
Showing posts from 2018


Well, it's been a hot minute since we've been here, hasn't it? More like a hot almost-half-a-decade. How embarassing. Live, blog, live again! I am here to resuscitate you! And I'm impressed with myself for spelling that right on the first try, because I haven't had to type anything at all in so long. Or write. Being a mom of two tiny toddlers is a good way to make you lose all the skills you thought you'd mastered (like speaking in complete sentences and using a pencil) and making you competent in a lot of new categories, like "maintaining a soft voice and pleastant expression while repeating yourself ad nauseum" and "picking up 50 noodles one by one off the floor because the broom would just smear them everywhere." Anyway, where were we? Oh yes, blogging. I've found myself with an itch to start writing again, and I remembered that I used to write on here quite frequently, so I thought I'd give it another shot. We'll see if ...