And now it's almost Christmas.

Oh my. I am a terrible blogger. Last post in September?! Oh dear.

Well, life is continuing on. Finished my semester of community college (or at least, I will be finished if my professor figures out how to get our final online...more than 3 hours late, currently...) and have been accepted into ASU's music education program. !!!! That's HUGEly exciting for me. :) :) :)

I'm also in the process of buying a house, also hugely exciting! Only a little while left in the apartment. But I'll almost miss this place, as it looks so cute for Christmas. Being me, I've got my lights up and I now have 2 trees! With the lights, decorations, candles, and Christmas music, it's just delightful. And while that may not be what Christmas is all about, it sure is a lot of fun!

So yeah, not a whole lot important to say, but I'm trying to get back into the habit of doing this. So, back to waiting for my final to be posted and enjoying the rain in the meantime!


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