Day 20: My Nicknames

First off, I have to say I was delighted to hear from someone in person that they are enjoying my blog. It makes writing them feel so much worthwhile to know that I'm not just writing to myself! Thanks, Pastor John.

My nicknames are many and varied, but few of them actually get used often, much to my chagrin. In other words, feel free to use these!

Her Hee
well, if you know me and my laugh, this one is fairly self-explanatory. Probably my most commonly used nickname.

Laura Kate
my daddy calls me this, and Taryn does occasionally. I'd love it if everyone called me Laura Kate. (hint hint)

I have a friend who addresses me solely as Cricket, based on my laugh. I love it!

this mostly comes from my days teaching preschool at Bethany, and a few friends still use it. It's fun. :)

this comes from my (first) time at the Festaburg. Army culture is filled with nicknames, and so when it came time to pick one for me, Princess Bride was the place to go. It helps that I was one of the only girls in a sea of men, and that it was my favorite movie. :)

This is what Flori called me and it makes me smile a lot!!

I wish someone would call me this as his own personal form of it doesn't really count :P

(Laurelei, loreley, however you feel like spelling it)
another one of the few variations on my actual name. I like this one, too!

Elle (L)
Even though it's really just an initial, I like it. I know I've said that about most of them. I guess I just like nicknames cause I never get called them!

other nicknames from the past that have been used, but have fallen out of use are Lucy, Mongoose, Yora, and Lo.


  1. My pleasure Laura Kate. :) I love these "about me" posts.

  2. We can definitely make some of these happen.

  3. What about Twin? :)

  4. Twin doesn't count - it's who I am (like "sister"), and only you can call me that. :)


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