it lives!

Oh, my poor blog, how I have neglected you!

Today was such a lovely day that I decided to drive home the long way.  When you remember that I work 30 miles from home, you realize that the long way is really long.  But it was so worth it!  The sky was that lovely autumnal shade of blue.  Maybe it's just me, but I see the sky differently during different seasons, and there's a special hue for both sky and clouds that just means it's fall.  Anyways, the weather was so gorgeous that I didn't want to waste a drive on the freeway.  Since I work so far away, the "wild desert" is only two miles north of my normal route.  Not terribly wild, but you can drive without stoplights or seeing houses for quite some time.  It was a great choice.

So, student teaching and working and job hunting and trying to sleep, eat, and have a life have kept me rather insane.  I'm really looking forward to three days off next week for Thanksgiving!  I realized during my drive that I've got all these wonderful thoughts bouncing around in my head that I've been wanting to share, but just haven't sat down to type them out.  This will change!  (Ha...the realistic side of myself is already mocking that optimism.)  In lieu of writing everything down and neither eating nor sleeping tonight, here is another brief highlights post.

1.  Did I mention the lovely drive I had to day in the desert of north Phoenix/Scottsdale?

2.  I met and danced with the world's most charming 10 year old last night at Paragon.  No, seriously, he was a way better conversationalist/flirt than most grown men I know.

3.  I (sort-of) learned how to dance west coast swing last night.  Dancing has been rather lackluster lately, and then last night I had a grand time, so that was a happy change.

4.  I'm SO ready for Christmas season!  I want to go look at lights at the Temple and crazy peoples' houses, and to put up my own!

5.  Reason #193 why I wish not to be single: so that I could have a tall, handsome someone to whom I could say, come over bright and early Friday morning, and we'll have biscuits and sausage gravy before hauling out all my Christmas decorations and putting them up while we listen to every Christmas cd I own, and then we'll collapse at the end and enjoy leftover Thanksgiving feast and a fresh pumpkin pie.

6.  I've been thinking a lot about...well, darn it, now I don't even remember.  I had this grand idea while driving home that I wanted to post about, and for the life of me I can't think of it.  It was even alliterative!

7.  I like Rebekah, cause I can invite her over to do absolutely nothing, and we can do it both together and separately very well.

8.  I really, really, really love to feed people I love.

9.  I've decided on a theme for my {future} classroom.

10.  33 days 'til graduation!!!!!!!!!!


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