lesson planning panic and ham buns

School starts on Monday!  Well, parent teacher conferences start on Monday and school starts on Tuesday, but whatever.  I've ordered my workbooks, made up my gradebooks, organized seating charts, set up my class and my desk and my calendar and made forms and passes and all kinds of stuff...and have chosen (almost) no music and written no plans.  I'm severely lacking in motivation, and the closer I get to panic the more I avoid it.  Thus, blogging.  I WILL get it done, and the situation is not as dire as it appears, but I'm still in quite a tizzy of terror.  It won't be that bad...right?

Anyways, the purpose of getting on here today (for the first time in far too long) was to share another recipe.  This one is stolen from a wonderful neighbor and adapted slightly. These ham buns are DELICIOUS and easy.  I've made them twice this week for friends who came over.

Ham Buns

1/2 cup butter, softened
1 small onion, diced up into itty bitty pieces
1 Tbsp poppy seeds
2 tsp mustard (I used a mild dijon, so I added a lot more)
1 1/4 cup cooked ham (or half a package deli ham) finely chopped
1 cup swiss cheese, shredded (or half a package sliced swiss, chopped)
1 can (8) flaky biscuits, uncooked

1.  Mix butter, onion, poppy seeds, and mustard until well blended.
2.  Add ham and cheese and mix it all up.
3.  Slice four of the uncooked biscuits in half and place halves on a baking sheet lined with foil (butter will leak, so a pan with edges is best, unless you like cleaning butter out of your oven).
4.  Top each of the 8 biscuit halves with as much of the ham/cheese/stuff mix as you want.
5.  Slice the remaining four biscuits in half and lay them on top of the ham/cheese/stuff mix.
6.  Bake according to directions on your biscuit cans.

I've found that the recipe makes a little bit more than I can fit, so you might want to cut things down a little, or just get more biscuits and make more!  They're not that large, so I've found each person generally eats 2-4, depending on hunger.  (I'm a pig, I eat four.)  Enjoy!


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