finally Friday

I haven't blogged in forever, not because there hasn't been much going on, but because I'm generally gone from 6:30am to 11pm, and those precious hours in between are all used up on trying to sleep.  Today was an exceptional day, however, and I feel like sharing the happy highlights with you.

1.  My 0 Hour class brought breakfast, so I got to school just to feast on doughnuts, blueberry muffins, fresh fruit, and mini-cinnamon rolls.  Yum.

2.  In one class, we played silly mind games the whole period.  Singing? What's that?  We needed a day to re-group, there's been lots of drama.  (and it's a class of all boys)

3.  My girls' choir (the only one I get to keep from bell to bell as my own) discovered my laugh.  All 60 of them imitated it at once, which produced mass hysteria for most of the period.  Throughout the rest of the class, I'd hear a "her hee!" squeak out from a corner of the room, kind of like popcorn, but never being able to tell who was doing it when.  It was highly amusing, and I felt special when they all came up after and said things like, "Miss C, I love your laugh!"  "It's adorable!"  "Oh Miss C, I really wish I had your laugh, I'm jealous, it's so cute!"

4.  I went to buy cupcakes, and they were on sale 6 fo $16.  Now that may sound like a lot till you realize these are enormous, gourmet, GLITTERY cupcakes.  (Of aforementioned blogging fame.)  I got red velvet, caramel apple, cookie dough, oreo, pina colada, and mint chocolate.  Yum.  Some for my roommates, and lots for me!  Except...

5.  I popped a tire pulling into the cupcake store.  I could stick my finger right through it!  J.D. came to rescue me, helping me put the spare tire on so I could go to get a new one.  (I now know how to do this myself!)  He earned himself many thanks and a giant oreo cupcake for his efforts.  Before he raced off to work, I asked if the tire looked flat, too, and he said it was just a little low and I could fill it up at the gas station around the corner.  Except....

6.  It was totally flat by the time I hit the street, so I pulled back into the parking lot.  This time Blake came to my rescue, driving me to Discount Tire, where I got a new tire for $16! and putting it on my car for me.  He earned himself many thanks, a hug, and a giant mint chocolate cupcake for his time and efforts.

7.  I have wonderful friends.  The constant support is overwhelming.  There is always someone ready to be there for me, to listen or to talk or to just give me a hug.  I have friends who love me enough to have the hard conversations.  I am blessed.

8.  I am actually spending a night home by myself.  This hasn't happened in....I can't remember how long.  I cooked myself dinner for the first time in weeks, and am getting a lot of cleaning done so people can come over tomorrow night.

9.  I've had hymns stuck in my head all day, and they make my heart joyful.

10.  There's a sign on my wall that says "Life is good."  I love how true that is.  God loves me and has me wrapped in His arms, and He is who is in me is greater than He who is in the world.  No matter what may come my way, He will never let me go.


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