musical mishaps

As a music teacher, I don't have much opportunity to read my students' writing.  This week, though, they had to turn in their big quarter project, and I have been ever so amused (and a little aghast) at some of the things I've heard.  I thought I would share some of my favorites with you.  (If you don't speak music, they might not all make sense.)  There were many others that left me scratching my head, but these were the most comprehensible.

"The overall dynamic was mexxo forte." (ole!)

"This piece was sung by an Acapulco choir." (goes well with mexxo forte)

It crescendoed to a nice mezzo-forte, adding a silent beauty to the sound."  (louder music has silent beauty how?)

"The most interesting fact I found about this song is that there are not many pages on the internet about this song."

"The dynamics in this piece were evident variations in volume without change."

"This song has no dynamics."  (it is silent?)

"The tempo wasn't anything special."

"It's part of an Oprah called L'incoronazione di Poppea."


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