Doing School Backwards
I kind of feel like I am doing school backwards, in several respects. I started at an enormous state university, moved to a small private college, and am now doing a semester of community college. I have a hefty amount of my major requirements fulfilled, and now, as a senior, am taking gen eds. On a minor scale [accidental music pun], at SWC I took Acts-Rev before Gospels and Prophets before Gen-Song.
So today was my first day of community college. I had high hopes. At ASU, my classes ranged in size from 21 to 600 people, but the professors still managed to be professional and good and I stayed involved in my classes, even if I almost never opened a book. Southwestern raised the bar in professors, but not necessarily in academics. PVCC has dropped the ball entirely. And it's been one day.
Okay, so that's not fair. My public speaking teacher seems delightful. My biology professor will probably drive me crazy before the end of the week, but the class itself should be fine. But my "math" class...oh. We did no math. We did nothing. We watched him write fallacies on the board, read them to us, and erase them. It felt like an exceptionally juvenile intro-to-debate class. No math at all.
I won't open my book - I won't even buy the book, as it's only recommended and not required, and if today was any indication...well. Speaking of, I have to rant about the prices of books. RANT!!!!! There, enough said.
So today was my first day of community college. I had high hopes. At ASU, my classes ranged in size from 21 to 600 people, but the professors still managed to be professional and good and I stayed involved in my classes, even if I almost never opened a book. Southwestern raised the bar in professors, but not necessarily in academics. PVCC has dropped the ball entirely. And it's been one day.
Okay, so that's not fair. My public speaking teacher seems delightful. My biology professor will probably drive me crazy before the end of the week, but the class itself should be fine. But my "math" class...oh. We did no math. We did nothing. We watched him write fallacies on the board, read them to us, and erase them. It felt like an exceptionally juvenile intro-to-debate class. No math at all.
I won't open my book - I won't even buy the book, as it's only recommended and not required, and if today was any indication...well. Speaking of, I have to rant about the prices of books. RANT!!!!! There, enough said.

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