Sanity Restored

So, today was my last day working at Jamba Juice, and I have once more become a "normal" person with only one "real" job. I am thrilled beyond saying.

The last couple semesters have been kind of insane. Last fall, I had 22 credit hours at school and was working two "real" jobs (teaching and nannying), as well as all those little odd jobs - babysitting, housesitting, tutoring, modeling, donating plasma (not a job, I know) - that start to add up. Besides that, I was doing the school musical, and dating, and living on my own, and paying my way through school. Unfortunately, school proved to be a bit more expensive than I could handle, so I ended up taking last semester (mostly) off to work instead. So now, I only had two credits at school (voice lessons and my junior recital), but I had three "real" jobs, plus the odd ones. At first, it was not overwhelming. I had a lot of close friendships, and a boyfriend, to help share the stress and make my rare downtime delightful.

When summer came, the boyfriend was gone, leaving some emotional trauma, many of the friends moved back home, and the workload doubled. When I did get free time, I was usually so tired as to be unmotivated to do much more than sit in front of my computer or by the pool or grab a nap between shifts. I did get away for a bit to Michigan to see my grandparents, which was a wonderful time out, but when I came back it was right back into the full swing of things.

But life is settling down, and I am so looking forward to this semester. I only have 14 credit hours, and fairly easy classes at that, and only one "real" job! I have three days a week with neither work nor school responsibilities, though one of those I hope will be filled once again with TPSC. (My audition is Saturday - say a prayer for me!!) I have time now to teach Pre-K Sunday School at my wonderful, small church. And I have time to read books that I haven't already read! I am delighted to have the pace of life slow down, just a bit. I am excited to have time to myself, and time to devote to others without always having to say, "I can't, I have work." (And time to work on the ability to say "no!" to things that will do nothing but overload and overwhelm my life.) And time to cook and not always eat the same salad every night!

Speaking of books that I haven't read previously, this one was recommended to me by one of my lovely mentors, Mrs. Suzanne Forbes. It's called, "Men are Like Waffles, Women are Like Spaghetti." I kind of wish I'd grabbed the "Single Men/Single Women" version, but it was out of stock at every local bookstore I could think of, so I'll have to get it some other time. Despite being geared towards married couples, the book was both entertaining and enlightening. It's a fairly quick, easy read, but most of the time it really does seem to be spot on about explaining how men & women operate, and how to better understand that. It certainly helped explain parts of me to me!


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