Get Low

Yesterday, Taryn and I saw a movie no one seems to have heard of. I'm not even sure how I heard of it, but I know I saw a preview at some point, and it piqued my interest. It's an indi film called "Get Low."

To save the trouble of me explaining the premise, watch the trailer below. Then read on...I don't know how to do this without giving away at least some of the plotline, but since I'm going to encourage you all to go see it, I'll do my best.

This is a movie about forgiveness, pure and simple. It's wrapped up in quirky characters and beautiful music and an interesting story, but the heart of it all is forgiveness.

Everyone in the town vilifies Duvall's character, the recluse Felix Bush, and everyone has heard a story of some awful thing he's done. At one point in the movie, Felix talks about how he doesn't ever want to be forgiven [for those things], and wants to bear the weight of his sins and stare at them everyday.

How often do we do the same thing! I've done things in my life that I thought, at the time, might be unforgivable. And while I knew in my head that they weren't, my heart disagreed. I had done this, I was responsible, so why should God 'let me off the hook' and forgive me? And yet that's what He wants to do - forgive us.

I cried when I stopped to consider that line, and how much I - and many people who are dear to me - hold on to a sin, knowing themselves worthy of death (Romans 6:23) for what they've done and unwilling to accept God's grace and forgiveness. But God loves us so much that He is not content that we should die for our sins, but has offered us this miracle of grace, that we might have peace when we feel we deserve none. If we would stop tormenting ourselves and look to Him, all would be well again.
"Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose sin is no longer counted against them by the Lord" (Romans 4:7-8).

If I could sum up the theme of the movie with a verse, it would be this:
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (I John 1:9)

That being said - go see this movie!!


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