Oodles of Blessings

Really, I don't like coming up with post names, but I DO like the word oodles.

It's a new year! (in case you live under a rock and didn't know) 2011 is here.

I was thinking about the new year in church yesterday as we talked about how it's a chance to start over fresh, a time to fix the things I've been doing wrong and begin anew. While pondering this, I found myself wondering, why just now? Why does the new year make such a big difference, when the beauty of grace is that God gives us a chance to start over any time we ask. His forgiveness blots out our sins and gives us a clean heart once again, over and over again, not just on January 1st.

And that is one thing I am very thankful for.

While looking around a friend's blogs, I noticed this - "multitudes on mondays" or "one thousand gifts." It's a blogging idea devoted to counting one's blessings and happinesses, and I thought I'd join in, as a reminder of all the things God does in my life. So, here we go!

1. forgiveness, and the grace of God that let's me start over afresh each day (and sometimes many times a day)

2. catching the bouquet at Jessica's wedding

3. Dallas chasing his tail

4. my parents being the supportive people that they are

5. beautiful music (Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's Elijah, in particular tonight)

6. having so many Christmas decorations, even if packing them away is sad

7. the ability to stay in touch with friends around the globe

8. berries with cream and sugar


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