ah, life

I really need to start blogging again more better.
Which means I really need to start thinking of topics, and taking the time to sit down and dedicate more than 7 minutes to a post. Unfortunately, I like earlier bedtimes.

Tonight, I enjoyed an evening of cooking, Castle with dad, and a cup of chamomile tea. A simple, pleasant evening. Not having any homework helped. Comfy pjs, a fridge full of fresh produce, and plans for a phone call before bed also help. I do love my life, in its alternating simplicity and complexity. I have been blessed by a Creator who loves me and never stops reminding me. I have a wonderful family that I love (and even enjoy living with!) and some of the greatest friends possible. I have a job that is steady, pays well, is in my field, and I enjoy it immensely.

Life is good. Also, read Romans 8. I've been reading it many times over, and it never fails to get my heart pounding with joy and thanksgiving. (*ding! blog idea)

Merry Monday to all, and to all a good night.


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