
Timed free-write*...go!

I don't know why, but I've been fixating on the idea of a blog about shoelaces. I think at some point I had somewhere to go with it, but I've long since lost that train of thought. Unlike missing a real train, though, there are no major consequences, as this is something I can just pick up whenever. Missing a real train seems to throw off a lot of other things further down the line - but I digress. Back to shoelaces. They seem to be going out of style - shoes have buckles, or zippers, or velcro. And so many of them are SO SHINY. I laugh at most of the shoes little girls come into my studio with. Very few have laces. I think I prefer the word shoestrings, though. It sounds sillier. It also conjures up thoughts that make my heart warm - like apron strings. Apron strings makes me think of cooking, and I know I've mentioned how much I love to be in the kitchen cooking up food for as many people as possible. Shoestrings also makes me think of those skinny little fried bits of deliciousness, shoestring potatoes. Mmm. I should mention that I'm very hungry, not haven eaten anything yet today. And my house is largely devoid of easily comestible items. Grocery shopping must needs wait until Sunday, however. Sunday is also costume shopping day with Larissa! Well, she's shopping, and I'm rummaging through her family's collection of renaissance wear. Have I mentioned how incredibly excited I am for Halloween? For me, that's quite rare - the day often goes by without notice, although I do relish the chance to dress up. However, this year's plans are pretty epic, so I'm looking forward to it with great anticipation. Well, the Saturday before it anyways - Halloween itself I'll be stuck in class.

Time's up! The End.

*sometimes I just need to blog for blogging's sake, so I don't abandon the poor page. Not having any stunning ideas or wanting to spend my free afternoon online, I decided to do a 5-minute stream of consciousness write. It's HARD not to edit things as I go! I may have fudged once or twice, but for the most part, I left it as-was. Do come back on a day when I've more profitable things to say!


  1. A free-write was genius! I wish I'd thought of it.


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