
So far, my alliterative plan of school + sleep + social life (+ sanity) is working out just dandily.

Fridays are my favorite days right now, because it's my day off and I only have two classes. After 11:30, I have freedom! (Until observations start...sigh.) This Friday was reminiscent of the best parts of summer in that I got to spend about 12 consecutive hours with the Knights of Ubiquity and friends. I went out to lunch at Pita Jungle, which was delicious - so much so that I went again tonight (although in Peoria instead of Tempe) with a very old friend to celebrate 17 years of friendship. (I am constantly in search of a döner kebap substitute, so I keep trying different gyros. Pita Jungle's was delicious, but it's just not the same! The shawarma I had tonight was delicious, too. I do so love middle eastern/Mediterranean food! I need to eat it more often. Oh so scrumptious.)

The rest of the afternoon ended up being movie at Matt's (The Italian Job), dinner at Organ Stop Pizza, dancing at Paragon, excessive amounts of laughter at Jester'Z Improv, and a midnight breakfast at Denny's. It was basically non-stop fun all day. Organ Stop Pizza was pretty cool. The food may not be anything remarkable, but the organ is gorgeous!! The organist is remarkably talented (as such a one must be), and he impressed us with his knowledge of repertoire. We've been singing the theme to Close Encounters ever since... The hall was also oddly reminiscent of Hofbräuhaus München, though on a significantly smaller scale.

At Paragon, we learned the cha-cha and enjoyed about an hour and a half of dancing around the room with eachother until, hot and exhausted, we jumped in our cars and headed up to Jester'Z. If you've never been, I HIGHLY recommend it. It's clean, family-friendly hilarity. There were 16 of us there, I believe, and since they call for audience suggestions, we managed to get ourselves even more entertained by having our inside jokes worked into the skits. One of the performers heard me laugh before the show, and every now and then was unable to keep a straight face on stage because of it. By the end of the show, my laugh had become part of a skit - I was the sound of a poor doberman that had been run over and refused to die. Every time it was stepped on, it went, "her hee!" (cruel, but funny. Only in context.) "Is this thing dead yet?!" I was in tears I was laughing so hard. I even got some free tickets out of the exploitation :) so I will be back again soon - and often!
After, we did the traditional middle-of-the-night food run, this time to Denny's instead of IHOP. We missed our normal jovial server, but the food was better for sure. I got SO excited because they had pancake puppies stuffed with pineapple and white chocolate and rolled in coconut. I knew exactly what I was going to order as soon as I opened the menu, and I was delighted with my choice - until I ordered and was told they didn't have them anymore. Crushing blow! So I got some fries and ate them with mayo instead, continuing my nostalgia for German edibles.

All in all, I may have had to sacrifice a little on the sleep, but the friends and memories are worth it. Even Rise of the Planet of the Apes was worth the drive out to Tempe for the time spent with a new(ish) friend. Speaking of the sleep, though, I should probably get in bed so I can be all bright and perky for the pre-k's tomorrow.

Goodnight, dearest reader.


  1. i wish i could have gone to jesterz with you guys!!! jessica texted me all about it haha.

  2. Yeah, me and my headache never would've made it through all of that! :)


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