pretty good day :)

Today is one of those really good days. The kind where the sky is perfectly blue and the shuffle on your ipod works just right and your a/c stays cold while you nap in your car in the parking lot.

I got to do homework by interviewing a friend, making it seem not very much like homework. More importantly, it was my LAST homework assignment for an actual class for my undergraduate career. (Lesson plans during student teaching don't count.)
I got to listen to pretty music and be DONE with mandatory concert attendance FOREVER.
I got to eat food with some of my favorite people on my last day in Schola Cantorum.
I got to hang out and talk about exciting possibilities with Chantel.
I had a great day at work, one where my students all listen and show that they're actually learning, and I have fun with them and realize how truly blessed I am that I LOVE my job.

The best part, though, is a beautiful coincidence at work. 1) Someone rented my keyboard for the weekend, which means I get bonus money that I didn't actually have to work for. 2) Someone ordered a baritone ukulele and found imaginary flaws with it, so he ordered another one, leaving a surplus ukulele homeless at work. These marvelous events occurred in the same week, and the money got traded around, so I get the ukulele and still made 'free money.' I've wanted a bari uke for many moons now, having fallen desperately in love with it the first time I played one in my elementary music methods class. And now I have one of my very own to drive people insane with. Cheers!


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