summer break is back again!

I would like to start by saying how I am always resistant to changes in social media.  I've adjusted grudgingly to Timeline on facebook, but...Blogger, you have been the same since I started with you 5 years ago, why did you suddenly change?  I do not like this unfamiliar territory.  I feel out of place as a I write, having to reconfigure where everything is and how to do all the little things that once came so easily.

This was not the point of my post, since it was unexpected when I logged on.  It hijacked my train of thought.

Today is the first day of my last summer break as a college student!  I am done with classes and finals and whatnot forever!  Next semester holds only student teaching, choir, and voice lessons (finally with a faculty member).  I have fantastic plans to enjoy my summer.  In a little more than a week I am headed for the Bahamas for my first-ever cruise with 7 of my favorite people.  What a way to kick off the break!

Today, however, I was both very, very lazy and very productive.  I woke up about 10am and stayed in my bed with a book (I'm reading the His Dark Materials trilogy, on loan from Rebekah while she has my Hunger Games trilogy).  I played around on my iPad, finally crawled out of bed around noon, lazily took a shower and put on more pajamas, and read some more.  Then I decided to be not such a lazy bum and I cleaned the bathroom and my bedroom, did some laundry, sent some e-mails and made some phone calls, wrote a thank-you note, packaged several things to be mailed, and then decided I should completely re-organize my closet.

I took out all the clothes and piled them on my bed in a morass of hangers and dress bags and material.  I took out all the shoes and boxes on the floor and sorted them.  I then organized the contents of the closet based on too many factors: possession (half my closet is not my stuff), garment type, frequency of use, likeliness of being worn in this season, and finally color.  I was amazed by how many choir dresses I still have.  Wow.  I felt very accomplished.  I then did busy, productive things that didn't feel productive because they involve sifting through things on Amazon, but it was fun and informative.  I'm now going to go read and snack and be lazy again.

An interesting note to end the post: it feels weird to be done with school and still be in April.  I don't think ever in my life has my sister's birthday been part of my summer vacation.  No complaints here!


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