
So, I feel badly that I neglected to post about my lovely Hallowe'en. I also feel a little guilty that I'm planning three separate blog posts today - but it's for a good cause! What cause, you ask? Not making you trudge wearily through one never-ending post. You're welcome.

Halloween was celebrated on Saturday the 29th, as a continuation of our Shakespeare readings. Appropriate to the spookiness of the day, we chose Macbeth I mean, the Scottish play. In keeping with the theme, I borrowed some authentic Ren Faire wear from Aunt Lauri, and enjoyed my chances to read both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. We set up a huge bonfire, hung some lights, hauled out some couches and camping chairs, wrapped up in cloaks for warmth, and read aloud - mostly from pdf scripts on laptops. High tech, we are.

There was marshmallow roasting, (a party was hosting! No caroling out in the snow...) and an enormous bowl of puppy chow, as well as my two pies. There were swords and cloaks, leaping over the bonfire, and always lots of laughter. We had a mad hatter, a Scottish woman, Jacob Marley, a Blues Brother, Jack Sparrow, Flynn Ryder, a handsome devil, a knotty/naughty girl, a puppetmaster, a princess, and a good Mormon boy straight from the Temple in no costume. We read our play (complete with the requisite atrocious accents) and enjoyed our friendships.

My favorite moment was sitting around with Heber and Shantel after everyone else had left, shivering in our cloaks, watching the embers flicker and glow that deep, warm fiery color, and looking up at the stars in the silence of the night. It was a peaceful, quiet moment of friendship. A happy holiday, indeed.


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