girly girls

Oh, goody, you clicked through to read my blog, even after I've abandoned it for so long! I'm so glad to see you again.

I am writing to you now in a state of complete contentment. Let me enumerate the wonderfulnesses of my day.

1) I am still in my pajamas, wrapped up in a fleece blanket, with a purring kitten on my lap.
2) There are clouds in the sky! It is cool and gray and autumnal.
3) I am drinking a steaming mug of feiner rauchtee. This is a loose leaf German tea that I am particularly fond of because I shared it with Lauren in Germany as we talked and talked and talked, and we decided it tastes just like a campfire. Odd as that may sound, it's perfect.
4) My house smells like stoup, which is one of my ultimate comfort foods. (click through for the recipe!)
5) I am about to be eating a pomegranate, picked from Bex's tree. I also have a whole bag full of mandarin oranges (which I am munching on now)! And I'm going to make pie, and honey glazed pecans.
6) I am spending time with my mommy today.
7) I have a stack of super sweet 3x5 cards.
8) I can breathe! Sickness is gone! Voice is also gone, but hey.
9) I have friends who love me.
10) I had a sleepover last night!!

Skyrim came out last night, and the boys of our group decided they needed to get together and play obsessively all night long at Marc's house, so we decided we'd take advantage of their absence and have a girly sleepover. Since the game didn't come out till midnight, we let them stay till 12 before kicking them out, and enjoyed hot cocoa, buttery popcorn, and Disney singalongs. We also had an epic dance-fest in the living room to the om-nom song.
Once the boys left, (and after they snuck back in and we chased them out again) we sat ourselves down in a circle and started the girl-talk. It has been such a long time since I've had a night of such concentrated femininity. I have a lot of guy friends, I work with men, I like a boy, boys guys men everywhere, and it was nice to get rid of them all and just be with giggly girls (though we talked about those boys a lot). There were stories and sighs and giggles and awwws and squeals and all those other things that go with a sleepover. There was also a plethora of pomegranates, and of pretzels in nutella. (And waffles with nutella, and plain nutella, and some pomegranate jelly, and some rice and pork...girls eat!!)

We thought about having an adventure tp'ing the boys, but decided against it. We got a text from one, though, that we should 'go outside and have fun in the front yard' and thought they might have acted upon the same impulse, so we ran outside. No tp. But there was something small sticking up from my car door, so we ran to see what it was, and pulled out a 3x5 card stuck in my window. Then I noticed another in the door handle, and behind the mirror, and in the hood, and in every nook and cranny we could see. 36 cards were pulled from various crevices, and we gathered them all and ran inside, where I was forced to read them all out loud. Some were flirty, sweet nothings, others were silly, some were drawings, many were songs, one was entirely in Spanish about a crazy chicken calling to the moon, but the moon wanted it to shut up. One favorite was a limerick:
"There once was a girl named Laura
she chanted 'alohamora'
her spell did unlock
every heart on the block
and she was full of amor...uh."
It was easy to pick out which ones were Drew and which were Heber, and I felt incredibly special to have been thus attacked. I think my smile may have just split my face. One card warned: "perhaps you might not want to smile so much; people might be getting radiation poisoning with how bright it is." Awww. (blush/giggle/general girliness)
Eventually deciding sleep was prudent, we all tumbled up the stairs to Bex's room. Three girls shared the bed sideways, one curled up in the papasan chair, and three of us stretched out on an unzipped sleeping bag on the floor. We kept on chatting, of course, but eventually succumbed to slumber, surrounded by dear friends. In the morning, there was more talking and laughing, lots of nail polish, and we discovered bagels from Becca's parents. Not much later, a knock on the door surprised us with Marc bearing doughnuts! We have such awesome gentleman friends. We repaid him by giving him a lovely manicure, and shortly afterwards he was fascinated by the nail polish remover.

Apparently we only managed one photo of the whole group of us, and it's rather silly. (I was 'bridging the gap' between those of us who are single and who are dating, as I'm liked by a boy I can't date and so in a weird middle limbo.) I am so grateful for this group of girls. I couldn't ask for better friends. There aren't words to describe how much a night with them has refreshed my soul. I love you, Jessica, Bex, Rebekah, Chantel, Annalise, and Sicily! (And Shantel, even though you weren't physically present!!)


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