Thanksgiving is, after all, a word of action.

"Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude." (E.P. Powell)

Ahhh, I am stuffed full of stuffing and other stuff. Well, I've never liked turkey or stuffing or green bean casserole or gravy or sweet potatoes. (I know, I know, how unAmerican!) I like the ham, the mashed potatoes, the cranberries, the rolls, and the relish tray. And this year, I decided I liked the martian goop, a green, creamy, marshmallow-y concoction of my cousin's husband's. I ate my plate piled high and did not have room for seconds, though I did manage to consume a small slice of Tollhouse cookie pie for dessert.

When I got to David and Sarah's house, the first thing Abby asked me was if she could wear my boots. Having just entered the home, I told her after dinner she could. As soon as I finished eating, she reminded me of my promise and spent the rest of the evening clomping around in boots that reached her little thighs. I know what someone's getting for Christmas... She also turned out to be our little seating organizer, planting me at the head of one table so I could sit by her and Micah, and she graciously allowed my mother to sit next to me, pointing out other chairs for Grandma and Aunt Pam and Mimi. Most of the men she exiled to the other room.

Micah got to partake of the festivities as well, with a tray full of mashed potatoes, food processed sweet potatoes, and puréed turkey. Even he wasn't so sure about that last one. Despite the protesting faces he made, though, he always opened his mouth again for the next spoonful. One of the easier babies to feed that I've encountered, for sure. When we took too long between spoonfuls, however, he decided he just might be hungry enough to eat his bib.

After dinner, I collapsed on the couch to watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving with Abby, kind of in my own food coma. It was a pleasant evening, half the family outside in the back with the firepit, the rest scattered indoors talking and just enjoying one another's company. A very mellow Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for my family.
I am thankful for my friends.
I am thankful for the US Military.
I am thankful for my job.
I am thankful for school (though I did 6 hours of homework today that almost killed me).
I am thankful for the chance to go to Germany for Christmas!!!
I am thankful for online shopping deals (yes, yes...).
Above all, I am thankful for the sacrifice of my God and Savior and His blessings in my life. If you don't know Him, I'd love to talk to you and let you know what He has done for you.


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