I really, really, really hate packing

Because I loathe packing so sincerely, I often find myself doing many other things in between boxes, which means it usually takes a long time.  I'm somewhere around half done and still have all weekend before I move, so I'm counting that as a good start.  This small fiend doesn't make it go any quicker, though.

The last week has been fun and productive, and cramming it all into this one post won't do it justice, but I'll do it anyways.  We'll go backwards.

Today: Jessica came over and we learned two dances (the shim sham and the line dance to Fake I.D. from Footloose), ate smoothies, took pictures of adventures in Walmart, had lots of girl talk, and indulged in a delicious dinner of mac & cheese, cheesy bacon potatoes, totino's pizza rolls, and oreo cake pops.

Last night: As You Like It was our play for Shakespeare night.  We formalized the accent-adoption process, and some were very interesting (for example, I was both Igor and an Alligator, and we had a cat, Batman, several valley girls, Hitler, people-not-Drew being Drew, and a great Irish lilt from Blake.)  There were also lightsabers.  After most people left, we watched Wall-E, and I still laugh and squeal through the whole movie.

Wednesday: I brought rainbow cupcakes to work, and they spread some joy!  Shantel and I went country dancing, and afterwards we sat in the parking lot to watch the lightning storm.  Eventually we got out of the car to dance in the rain in the middle of the night.

Tuesday: Chantel and I signed our lease!  (Sicily beat us to it.)  And I bought a lamp on Craigslist....and I hope it works.

Monday: We went to Oregano's for my birthday dinner, then came home and watched The Illusionist and Sherlock.  (slightly more grown up than my last birthday)  Shantel and JD stayed over until 3:30 am, and we laid on the floor talking and laughing about everything and nothing, and it was good for my soul.  And there were rainbow cupcakes and oreo cake pops. :)

Sunday: day of rest!

Saturday: I took my AEPAs, about 7 hours from getting there to leaving again.  My brain was melted, so I went over to Adrienne's and crashed on her big bean bag until we went to Jester'Z.  During the game where they pull lines from a bowl, I got a "Happy birthday, Laura, here's a kiss!"  Did you know that my birthday is International Kissing Day?!  I can't wait to capitalize on that convenient coincidence of holidays.

Friday: My birthday!  Dad and I went out to (free) breakfast at Denny's at 6 am before he went to work, and then after my early morning nap, Mom and I drove all around collecting over $50 in free food.  Twas delicious!

A busy week, but a good week indeed.  :)


  1. I love the upper left picture of Dallas. His expression is priceless. What a very lovely week :)


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