still not a grown-up

My birthday was Wednesday - happee birfdae to mee! I'm now 23! It's a grand rhyming spree! With a lot of double ee's!

Obviously, age is not a sign of maturity.

For my birthday this year, I met with a group of friends at Mary Coyle's Ice Cream Parlour, which has fortunately not gone out of business! It was actually two distinct groups of friends: high school/Palmcroft friends and new-this-semester ASU friends. As such groups are wont to do, they kind of split down the middle. As I see the 'new' friends every other day or so, I spent most of the time catching up with my 'old' friends, which was fun. I love my friends dearly, and get sad that I don't get to interact with them all as often as in the past. Life just takes people so many different directions!

After the ice cream deliciousness, we came back to my house for some games and movies. Taboo will always be a favorite game of mine, and my team won :) of course! Ryan and I as a team are pretty quick. Elisabeth was not allowed to be on my team, too, else we would have decimated everyone - sorry, it's the truth! That's what sisters are for! Later, we went outside to play some Ninja in the middle of the street, but even at 10:30 pm in Phoenix it's too hot to stay outside long, so we came back in and watched How to Train Your Dragon and The Emperor's New Groove. (Like I said, just cause I'm getting older, it doesn't mean I'm growing up!)

The rest of my week has been delightful as well - I got to meet an old friend for lunch, celebrate my Mother's birthday at Fajitas, go to lunch with Amy for her birthday (we are all in a row - it's birthday week!), hang out and watch more kiddie movies with Ryan, watch grown-up movies with the group, and most excitingly - go dancing again!

I've become an addict, I think. I love it. This time we went to Paragon, where we took a brief beginner waltz class before the open dancing began. I have learned how to dance east coast swing, but that's about it, so my friends Matt and Chantel taught me the very basics of most of the other dances that were being played. All in all I got to salsa, cha cha, rumba, west coast swing, two-step, merengue, waltz, tango, and samba. I managed somehow to hurt my knee - apparently ballroom dancing is more dangerous than I thought! - but once again, I enjoyed myself so thoroughly that I glowed the whole way home.

I LOVE SUMMER VACATION! And I like not being a grown-up sometimes. :)


  1. happy birthday girl!! sounds like you had a good time! :)


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