
I am not a big shopper.

Yes, I like shopping - provided I have money to spend, and preferred when it's not mine!

But I don't shop often, and usually only when I'm going with someone else for a specific purpose. This week, though, I have been to a mall on three separate occasions, as well as many other stores in between - and I'm still not done!

I need a dress for a recital I get to give in about a month. Having a bunch of other things I needed, and not liking to go alone, I called up the lovely Chantel and we had a delightful day. We got stamps, school supplies, school shirts, organizing stuff, and a perfect dress in concert black - but not one I want for this particular performance. We wandered all around Arizona Mills, which is a very fun mall.

Malls vary a great deal in their atmospheres. AZ Mills - large, open, busy, clean, bright, fun. It's enjoyable to walk around shopping there. Since I used to work there, certain corridors smell like work, and it brings back memories of being a freshman. (Smell is one of the most powerful memory triggers, did you know?) That night, I went to Arrowhead with a friend who needed civilian clothes. Arrowhead - not nearly as large, still busy and clean, not bad. Yesterday, still in search of a dress, I went to Metro - small, lots of stuff closed, not very busy, depressing. Not a mall I'm a fan of.

And unfortunately, I'm still dress-less. The one bridal store I had very high hopes for closed! Which means I need to go to yet ANOTHER mall. Wheee. Anyone want to come play dress up with me next week?

Also, I have discovered a possible reason for not having found a dress: I had to take my kitten to the vet today. :( Poor little tyke hurt his paw, and I get the pleasure of having him locked in my room, needing oral pain killers and antibiotics once a day for the next week or so. Anyways, the cost for his care is just about what I was planning to spend on that, there it is. Sigh.


  1. Chandler and Scottsdale are my fav malls. Usually don't buy anything from Scottsdale though cuz it's too expensive, but it's fun to look around and dream :P sorry about your kitten :/ hope he gets better soon!


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