C'est fini! Fertig! Terminado! Finito!

Semester's OVER!

Jury is passed. Finals are done. Tk20 is...whatevered. Observation hours are complete. Massive papers and projects are turned in. C'est fini! Fertig! Terminado! Finito! (guess which languages I sang all morning working on my jury?)

To celebrate the end, I went out for lunch with my long lost roommate Ashley, and we indulged in large plates of delicious Mexican food from the original Garcias. I went home and was able to have the luxury of a 2-hour nap before heading to Jester'Z with a group, where we laughed until our faces hurt. Every time I go, the Jester'Z manage to turn my laugh into a part of their skit. Last night, I was a squeaky jet engine and the sound a penguin makes. After the show, we headed over to Paragon to dance till midnight. We had an evenly matched number of guys and girls by then, so we all got to dance a lot. There was another guy there who was marvelous, and he whisked me around the room in a blazing waltz (or at least that's what it felt like) that had my head spinning so much I could barely walk straight by the end. FUN. We need to dance more.

Being us, we had to go out to eat at a diner in the middle of the night before going home. We tried a Waffle House and several Denny's locations, none of which seemed to exist due to closures or faulty directions, and we ended up in several Tempe parking lots to re-plot our quest. Eventually we found one and enjoyed our 1 am meal.

What a way to wrap up a semester! Tonight's a caroling party. :)


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