Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve!

Santa has already done well tonight - he brought in an extra large return of soldiers. We didn't make it to the actual ceremony, but apparently Santa himself led them through the doors into formation in the Hall of Champions. What more could anyone ask for but the return of a hero just in time for Christmas? There are still many, many more downrange, so as you enjoy time with your families tonight, say a prayer for those whose family is far away and fighting, waiting to come home at last.

My Christmas Eve was lovely, starting with banana cinnamon pancakes in the morning, my favorite Christmas reading at breakfast, a hike to the castle in the cold and sunshine, and an afternoon of warm fire, winning at nertz, and naps. We then went to a Christmas Eve service at the chapel which I shall refrain from describing, then people came back to the house for bread and soup, a simple dinner in reminder of the humble birth of our Savior.

It doesn't really feel like Christmas. I know that the trappings and trimmings and traditions are not what the holiday is about, but they're nice, and it's different without them. I miss my family, far away in various places of the US of A. This is only my 2nd Christmas without them, and it's a little bit sad, even though I love being in Germany and celebrating at the Festaburg. Makes me feel even more for those who are off serving their country, and for the families they've left behind who are wishing they were home.


  1. Your Christmas Eve meal is one of the best ideas I've ever heard: "a simple dinner in reminder of the humble birth of our Savior." I love it!


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