true friends

I always go on about how wonderful my friends are after we've been out having fun doing something particularly nerdy or awesome or spontaneous. They're fun and exciting and unique and creative and enjoyable. But sometimes it takes a night like this to really appreciate them.

True friends care. They sit with you quietly when you're sad or sick. They reach out to touch you, a hug or a shoulder rub or a back scratch or holding your hand, or letting you just rest on them. They don't ask too many questions. They don't get impatient. They follow you when you disappear and set up camp on the bathroom floor till you're ready without a word of complaint. They cheer you up - but they don't force you to be cheerful. They love you with actions and words. They don't make a big deal of it. They accept and help and love. They pray. They let you know you're never alone.

To all my friends, I love you dearly. Thanks for loving me.


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