I'm into alliteration recently. Besides my own current penchant, however, if you continue reading there will be a little more explanation as to the abundance of E's in the title of this post. This whole weekend has been wonderful fun, which has kept me from blogging. As much as I would like to stick to the idea of blogging every day, real life is much more important than the internet facsimile, so I chose live interaction (and sleep). I had so much fun, though, that now the blog is going to run a little long just so I can share all my enjoyment with you! Luck you. Friday night I went and saw Judy: The Musical for two reasons. 1) my friend Rebecca was in the cast. 2) It was starring Paige O'Hara, the voice of Belle in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Belle is far and away my favorite Disney princess, so I couldn't pass it up. (3 reasons - it counts for concert attendance credit!) It appears that time changes things, so we listened to the Beauty and the Beast s...
I was home, eating dinner, and done with my homework by 8 pm tonight! Delight! This means I can actually sit down, relax, and take some time to blog before studying, and I might actually get to sleep at a decent hour. I've got my steaming mug of creamy hot cocoa and a package of ho-hos, I'm good to go! I admit that today's blogging challenge left me quite perplexed. My first love? What on earth will I write about? There are so many answers! This is largely due to the limitations of the English language (which I mentioned in point #3 a few days ago), which allows us to use "love" for all manner of things and dilute its meaning. Yes, there are more options than exist for "sorry," but culture dictates that rather than saying, "I really enjoy, delight in, like, find charming," etc, we say, "I love it!" So, I started thinking. What are my options here? Well, the Sunday School answer is always Jesus. I don't mean that in jes...
So far, my alliterative plan of school + sleep + social life (+ sanity) is working out just dandily. Fridays are my favorite days right now, because it's my day off and I only have two classes. After 11:30, I have freedom! (Until observations start...sigh.) This Friday was reminiscent of the best parts of summer in that I got to spend about 12 consecutive hours with the Knights of Ubiquity and friends. I went out to lunch at Pita Jungle, which was delicious - so much so that I went again tonight (although in Peoria instead of Tempe) with a very old friend to celebrate 17 years of friendship. (I am constantly in search of a döner kebap substitute, so I keep trying different gyros. Pita Jungle's was delicious, but it's just not the same! The shawarma I had tonight was delicious, too. I do so love middle eastern/Mediterranean food! I need to eat it more often. Oh so scrumptious.) The rest of the afternoon ended up being movie at Matt's ( The Italian Job ), dinne...
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