this is the name of this blog post

It's amazing how good it feels to eat a bowl full of raw vegetables, even if Chris mocks me for eating rabbit food. Salad is just so good! I love meat and don't want to give it up, but I'm pretty sure I could make it happily as a vegetarian. I think I'd end up counting bacon as a veggie though.

It's been a busy week! 3 concerts in the last 2 weeks, including one down in Tucson with The Chieftains. It was pretty darn awesome. JD, Austin, Chantel, and Toby and I loaded up into my car and headed down on a gorgeous day, Irish music playing as they tried to teach me a song in Gaelic by rote so I would be able to sing it by the time we got there - and of course, we didn't even sing it. We got to sing two songs with them, one of which we did learn in the car on the way there, since we'd gotten the music that morning. The other we'd had for 5 whole days already, so of course we knew it perfectly.

The concert itself was lovely. Traditional Irish music is so wonderful to listen to, especially the Puirt a Beul, or mouth music - unaccompanied singing. It can be so haunting, or so joyful, but it's always lovely. At the end of the concert everyone was dancing through the audience and onto the stage and being quite gleeful. We got to go see Ryan, too!! And on the way home, I had more fun dancing and 'singing' TSO songs with JD than I can remember ever having on a drive.

Tuesday night was another ASU concert for several choirs. Singing with my two was one of the best musical experiences I've had in ages, and was only marred by the fact that at a few points I was fairly certain the concert was never going to end. I'm really looking forward to hearing a recording of some of the music we made that night, as I had goosebumps and shivers and thrills of enjoyment while I was singing with such a wonderful group(s) of people.

As for the rest of's busy! I'm actually hoping to start up another blogging challenge soon, as I've been quite a slacker here recently. What else? Ooh, I have another large mystery bruise. Those are always fun. And blueberries are only 99¢ at Fry's, so I have lots of berries and cream to eat. That makes today a great day.

Oh! One other thing. The friendly guy at Starbucks gave me an extra straw, not knowing how much fun I have shooting straw wrappers at people like blow-darts. Now I am armed! Mwa ha ha ha.


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