even more swing dancing!

This week has been so much fun and chaos that I haven't had time to blog - and am now quite overdue to fill you in on my adventures! Rather than making one very long post, I'll just split it up - there is no rule, after all, governing how many posts I can post in one day! (Though perhaps there is one about how many times I should use 'post' in one sentence.)

Tuesday night, we commandeered a room in Gammage for our own private swing dancing session. We were evenly matched girls for guys, although at the end, Ryan was dancing with both Rebekah and myself, and J.D. was left with the camera. (How he managed to only crash us once is beyond me, that much mental coordination must have been exhausting.) At the beginning of the evening there was a brief lesson on the basic steps for J.D. and Rebekah, and then we took off. I'm treasuring the time I have left do indulge in this fancy before school starts and my life is sucked back into the grind.

The coolest part for me was that I got to be flipped around in the air. Ryan explained the basic mechanics of the move - and demonstrated on Drew - before I actually attempted it. IT WAS SO COOL. Oh my goodness. After, we decided to videotape a whole dance, and included it. Pretty awesome. And I actually look like I know what I'm doing! He's such a good lead.

I don't know if this will work, but theoretically you should be able to watch this video...

At the end, we did a lot of dips. I'm glad I trust these boys so much, because being dipped is a little unnerving at times. In their strong arms, though, it's a blast.

Drew and Bex

After working up quite the sweat dancing, we sat around the piano for a bit and sang - as we are wont to do - and then headed out for some scrumptious frozen yogurt. I combined a little bit of a great many things and it was divine. We sat around outside on what was described as a 'balmy' evening - happy that we could sit outside without even the necessity of rain! Yum.


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