summer's end and semester's beginning

It's only the second day of school, and I've already managed to take an unplanned 3 hour nap instead of doing homework.

Also, it's only the second day of school and I already have homework! Sigh.

This was one of the best summers I've ever had. It was chock full of late nights, sleeping in, wonderful friends, and a sweet summer romance. It makes such a difference, starting school knowing that I'll be seeing familiar friendly faces in most of my classes, and that I can go to lunch with people I love dearly. There's no more lost, new-student feeling, but a confidence in knowing that there are people here who love me, too.

Classes are going to be great! I have to reorient my brain to having every moment saturated with music, but that's a lovely thing. I got a new bag (I don't carry a backpack, ever, so this is quite the concession!), and am armed with my iPad, so I'm starting off excessively organized. Hoping it stays that way! I also bought a lunch box (it's pink!), but I feel like a dork carrying it, for some reason. Ah well, being frugal and healthy wins out. I have at least one good friend in every class already this semester, so I'm going to enjoy myself.

The summer ended on a delightful note, having a happy formal party for Chantel. This is my most fabulous group of friends! Or most of us, anyways. Cheers to the Knights of Ubiquity!

We had a lot of fun - we played ninja in our formal costumes, and created a mafia of our men.

Ryan and I had fun dressing up, as well. He's gone back to Tucson, and the group will miss him - but at least now there's no one talking up U of A all the time. Go Devils! (not that I really care much, I just say it out of spite)

Last night, we celebrated a successful first day by getting to hear Drew perform at Tia Rosa's Taqueria, as he released his new album. You should definitely invest in that awesomeness. I was privileged to get to sing a couple songs with him - and he totally called me out on my laugh in the middle of the show. Sigh.

I have high hopes for this semester. I eagerly await the cooler temperatures of fall, and I continue to hope that sometime it will actually rain somewhere I am. Maybe this will be the year I finally figure out how to balance schoolwork, work-work, adequate sleep, a social life, and breathing. Wouldn't that just be delightful?


  1. I really wish I hadn't been crouching in that picture. :/


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