sisters, silliness and more swing dancing

I'm sitting here watching the final hour of The Fellowship of the Ring with my darling sister. She moves back to the dorms tomorrow, and so we are enjoying our last summer evening of bonding. It involved a few hours of grudging productivity in packing and cleaning, a trip to the grocery store for copious amounts of ice cream, and watching this beloved movie. Well, I've been mostly watching and half grilling chicken and making pasta salad and folding laundry, preparing for my upcoming week of housesitting. She's been guilt-tripping me every time I step out of the room...I love her. We've had several moments in the last week of laughing till our faces hurt, breath stops, and bladders threaten embarrassment. It's not like she's going far away, but school is a lot further than the next bedroom - although even then I have a bad habit of texting her instead of getting up (or even shouting), to which she replies via facebook. We're tight like that.

"I would have gone with you to the end, to the very fires of Mordor."


Last night was pretty cool, I went to hear the marvelous Drew perform some delicious live jazz at a coffee shop downtown. I was a loner in the back corner, content to sit there with my iced chai, sketchbook, and many different sources of reading material. I had an Anne McCaffrey book which, surprisingly, I've never read. I had Im Bann der Magie, a German translation of a fantasy novel I received for my birthday, and on my iPad I indulged in a brief passage of the Book of Mormon before getting lost in Hamlet, Prinz von Dännemark. I'm such a nerd, yes. And no, I don't usually have quite so many options on me, but I have wide access via my iPad, and the two print books (real books!) were because I'd started both and wasn't really into either yet. I've settled on The Lady for now, Robin Hobb will just have to wait.

Thursday night was also cool, except that it was actually sweltering. Ryan and I met up with some of his friends to swing dance in the Gammage parking lot. A good idea, except that the dancing didn't last so long as it was so miserably, hellishly hot, even at 10:30 pm. So, we sat around talking and cradling our frozen water bottles and ice packs close to our anatomy instead.

We interrupt this post to bring you an epic battle between Aragorn and the Uruk-hai, followed by a very touching death scene. (Bedtime is soon!)

Anyways, it's been a delightful week. One full week of summer vacation left, and it promises already to be full of joy. There will be a whole lot of blog fodder.

I love you!


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