The Evolution of Sunday School

I went back to the church I grew up in today. I've been there most years for Christmas Eve, but I haven't been on a Sunday morning in ages.

About 11pm last night, I remembered that Brad Ellgen would be speaking. I'd put the date in my phone calendar many moons ago, so as not to forget, and yet forget I did. I hurriedly scribbled a note asking anyone from my church to cover for me in Pre-K so I wouldn't miss it, and a friend graciously agreed to step up in my place.

It was strange to be back at the church after so long. The buildings are largely the same, with some subtle (and a few very obvious) signs of changing times. A great many people are the same, though half of them do not recognize grown-up me. Those who do recognize me made me glad I came by.

It was wonderful to get to see Brad. If you don't know, Brad and his wife Debbie are the missionaries I lived with in Germany, which you can read all about here. I got to see Debbie a couple times earlier this summer, and it was so good to get to sit with Brad during worship and to catch up a little. I'm hoping to get back out there again to see them soon, maybe next summer. It's already been two years since I came home. Seeing him this morning really was a gift.

The biggest change I noticed today really shocked me. I was taking my wonderful Bekah to her Sunday School class, and the front of the Education building had a new extension. As we walked inside, she went right up to a computer, typed in her last name, checked herself in when her picture came up, and a printer spat out a name tag with all her pertinent information printed on it. When I walked her to her classroom, the teacher handed me a receipt with her name and contact info, which I would need to present in order to pick her up again. A receipt for a child!

I'm quite a fan of the security measures, as it is a very large church in a very large city. But. Really? It was WEIRD. Apparently I've been at small churches too long, because I was told this was common now. Huh.


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