Day 4: My Family
To relate this to my last blog, I'm sitting here polishing off the box of Samoas I bought from a couple tiny girl scouts outside Fry's a few weeks ago. :) It's a good end to studying for my drop-the-needle music history test and my I-don't-understand-any-of-this 20th century music theory test.
My family is wonderful.
So wonderful, in fact, that I find them difficult to put into words.
Instead, I am going to make this primarily a photo journal of my family.
And because I love pictures so much, it's going to be limited to Dad, Mom, and Elisabeth.
If I added extended family, the blog would never end.
So here goes!

Okay, so I lied. Here's everyone! Well, everyone minus me. I was in Germany. And this was right before Scott's wedding, so Melissa's not in the picture, either. But this is the fam!
I love my family. We're a fun group.

We love to camp. We used to go every year for 10 days with our best friends.

We were really cute back then. We've grown up a bit since.

Okay, I lied again. Abby is too darn cute to leave out, and when we're around her, you can see how she becomes the very center of our attention.
Also, I bet you didn't know I was a red head!
My Parents
Pretty sure this is now going on 29 years of marriage. And they're still so adorable!


Clare Edmond, C.E., or usually just Ed.
Head of the household.
Provider extraordinaire.
Wonderfully huggable.
Very funny. Great listener. Patient and loving.

And he's set the bar SUPER high for any man who ever wants to marry me, just so's you know.
Adrienne Elisabeth Anne Marie. What a fun name. She was adopted from Paris, which I always think is a really cool story to tell. You'll have to ask me some time.
She is one of the most creative and giving people I know. She's always there and always dependable. I don't know what I'd do without her.
(now I bet you didn't know I'd been a blonde, either!)
I have a bunch of pictures, so I'll talk first so you can just scroll through.
I LOVE my little sister SO MUCH.
Mom used to give us this "sisters for life" speech whenever we'd have a spat, and it did give us some solidarity - but only on the fact that we both hated that corny line. We used to play for hours and hours and hours when we were little - barbies, littlest pet shop, my little ponies, what have you. We'd totally take over the backroom. Jr high and high school saw us much more distant. Me moving to Germany brought us closer - go figure. Now, we rarely see each other, despite finally going to school together for the first time since 8th grade. But when we do see each other, it's great. Non-stop talking till all wee hours of the night.
I love that she's always there when I need her, ready to beat up boys for me and protect me as if I were the little sister. (My favorite line to date is, "the next boy who hurts my sister is going to get LIT on FIRE!) I love her wisdom and patience and hugs. And she gives fabulous massages.

My family is wonderful.
So wonderful, in fact, that I find them difficult to put into words.
Instead, I am going to make this primarily a photo journal of my family.
And because I love pictures so much, it's going to be limited to Dad, Mom, and Elisabeth.
If I added extended family, the blog would never end.
So here goes!

Okay, so I lied. Here's everyone! Well, everyone minus me. I was in Germany. And this was right before Scott's wedding, so Melissa's not in the picture, either. But this is the fam!
I love my family. We're a fun group.

We love to camp. We used to go every year for 10 days with our best friends.

We were really cute back then. We've grown up a bit since.

Okay, I lied again. Abby is too darn cute to leave out, and when we're around her, you can see how she becomes the very center of our attention.

My Parents
Pretty sure this is now going on 29 years of marriage. And they're still so adorable!


Clare Edmond, C.E., or usually just Ed.
Head of the household.
Provider extraordinaire.
Wonderfully huggable.
Very funny. Great listener. Patient and loving.



I LOVE my little sister SO MUCH.
Mom used to give us this "sisters for life" speech whenever we'd have a spat, and it did give us some solidarity - but only on the fact that we both hated that corny line. We used to play for hours and hours and hours when we were little - barbies, littlest pet shop, my little ponies, what have you. We'd totally take over the backroom. Jr high and high school saw us much more distant. Me moving to Germany brought us closer - go figure. Now, we rarely see each other, despite finally going to school together for the first time since 8th grade. But when we do see each other, it's great. Non-stop talking till all wee hours of the night.
I love that she's always there when I need her, ready to beat up boys for me and protect me as if I were the little sister. (My favorite line to date is, "the next boy who hurts my sister is going to get LIT on FIRE!) I love her wisdom and patience and hugs. And she gives fabulous massages.

I may have to steal your little sister's line about boys at some point. :)
ReplyDeleteI loved this one, and am looking forward to more!