Day 7: My Favorite Movies
I should be doing theory homework, but staying up a little later to do it won't hurt because - I can sleep in tomorrow! Not only is my first class canceled, but I do NOT have to report for jury duty! That means I don't have to wake up extra early, don't have to miss my voice lesson, (don't get to miss class), and don't have to miss work. YAY. Although I should still go in early to get my Mac literacy classwork done...sigh. But still, no ear training!
So...favorite movies. There are several, I believe. And they are in no particular order.
The Lord of the Rings - all three of them.
I am horribly embarrassed to admit how long it has been since I've managed to watch them all without falling asleep. But I own all three extended versions and have seen every second of extra material available. The music is enthralling. The images are breath-taking. The adaptation, while occasionally frustrating to a Tolkien purist, is still fairly phenomenal.
Down Periscope
I can watch this movie over and over, any time. I never get sick of it, no matter how often I've seen it. If I'm in the mood to watch something but don't know what, it's always this. If a friend comes over and we need a movie to watch, and they've never seen it, it's this. I love this movie. I love submarine movies in general, but rather than listing them all, I'll go with this one. (Okay, I have to mention Operation Petticoat, Hunt for Red October, U-571, and Crimson Tide.) I don't know why I love them so much, but I do. I will always watch a submarine movie.
The Princess Bride
A cult classic. I know every line by heart, and you usually have to forcibly stop me if you don't want to hear the entire movie with my voice doubling all the lines. It has been a favorite for so very long! I've run into very few people who don't like it, and I've never quite understood them. What's not to love?! Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles...
The Devil Wears Prada
This was the movie that got me through my time in Germany as an Aupair, I swear. I watched it SO often. Every time I was having a miserable day, I would watch this and be reminded, someone out there works for someone worse than I do. It never failed to cheer me up. The negative side effect is, I always have an urge to go on a ridiculous shopping spree after I watch it. As long as I can control that urge, this movie is always the perfect pick-me-up.
Return to Me
Being a girl, I love most sweet, mushy chick flicks out there. This one stands out for me, though. Grace and Rob have such a unique - if unlikely - story, I melt every time. I love her family of Irish and Italian old men. I love how sweet this story is. I love that he gets her a bicycle. It's such a warm movie, another one that you just can't watch and not be cozy and smiling after. And it's just possible you might shed a tear, maybe. (Kate & Leopold is another favorite chick flick, but I'll try not to add any more on this list for the sake of brevity.)

Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, & Tangled
I love all Disney movies, but these are my top three. Beauty and the Beast is just the most wonderful classic ever. Belle has always been my favorite princess - largely because she doesn't start a princess, is a brunette, and loves to read. The music is gorgeous, too - and I have it all in German, thanks to a Sankt Nikolaus Tag gift. The music is also one of the things I love most about Lion King. I had the soundtrack on a cassette tape and would listen to it all the time when I was little. Although not even out on DVD yet (well, it will be tomorrow), Tangled has quickly made its way to my top 3 favorite Disney movies. It's clever, beautifully artistic, funny, has great music, and Pascal is possibly the most adorable Disney sidekick EVER.
I like most superhero movies - most notably the newest Batman movies - but Ironman tops them all. Maybe it's because it's Robert Downey, Jr. Or all the shiny technology. Or the talking house Jarvis. Or the shiny red suit. Whatever it is, this is another movie I can watch over and over and over without getting sick of it.
I technically already did Disney movies, but we'll let this have it's own category (thanks to the Pixar part). This is one of the most adorable movies ever. Limited dialogue and a not-so-subtle green emphasis notwithstanding, I squeal more during this movie than any other I can think of. How on earth is a largely non-verbal robot SO DARN CUTE?! He's precious! I just can't get over it.
There are more, of course. Much Ado About Nothing. Inglourious Basterds. Extreme Days. Remember the Titans. We Were Soldiers - well, pretty much any war movie, ever. Lots more. For now, though, I think this is a pretty good list.
So...favorite movies. There are several, I believe. And they are in no particular order.

I am horribly embarrassed to admit how long it has been since I've managed to watch them all without falling asleep. But I own all three extended versions and have seen every second of extra material available. The music is enthralling. The images are breath-taking. The adaptation, while occasionally frustrating to a Tolkien purist, is still fairly phenomenal.

I can watch this movie over and over, any time. I never get sick of it, no matter how often I've seen it. If I'm in the mood to watch something but don't know what, it's always this. If a friend comes over and we need a movie to watch, and they've never seen it, it's this. I love this movie. I love submarine movies in general, but rather than listing them all, I'll go with this one. (Okay, I have to mention Operation Petticoat, Hunt for Red October, U-571, and Crimson Tide.) I don't know why I love them so much, but I do. I will always watch a submarine movie.

A cult classic. I know every line by heart, and you usually have to forcibly stop me if you don't want to hear the entire movie with my voice doubling all the lines. It has been a favorite for so very long! I've run into very few people who don't like it, and I've never quite understood them. What's not to love?! Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles...

This was the movie that got me through my time in Germany as an Aupair, I swear. I watched it SO often. Every time I was having a miserable day, I would watch this and be reminded, someone out there works for someone worse than I do. It never failed to cheer me up. The negative side effect is, I always have an urge to go on a ridiculous shopping spree after I watch it. As long as I can control that urge, this movie is always the perfect pick-me-up.

Being a girl, I love most sweet, mushy chick flicks out there. This one stands out for me, though. Grace and Rob have such a unique - if unlikely - story, I melt every time. I love her family of Irish and Italian old men. I love how sweet this story is. I love that he gets her a bicycle. It's such a warm movie, another one that you just can't watch and not be cozy and smiling after. And it's just possible you might shed a tear, maybe. (Kate & Leopold is another favorite chick flick, but I'll try not to add any more on this list for the sake of brevity.)

Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, & Tangled
I love all Disney movies, but these are my top three. Beauty and the Beast is just the most wonderful classic ever. Belle has always been my favorite princess - largely because she doesn't start a princess, is a brunette, and loves to read. The music is gorgeous, too - and I have it all in German, thanks to a Sankt Nikolaus Tag gift. The music is also one of the things I love most about Lion King. I had the soundtrack on a cassette tape and would listen to it all the time when I was little. Although not even out on DVD yet (well, it will be tomorrow), Tangled has quickly made its way to my top 3 favorite Disney movies. It's clever, beautifully artistic, funny, has great music, and Pascal is possibly the most adorable Disney sidekick EVER.

I like most superhero movies - most notably the newest Batman movies - but Ironman tops them all. Maybe it's because it's Robert Downey, Jr. Or all the shiny technology. Or the talking house Jarvis. Or the shiny red suit. Whatever it is, this is another movie I can watch over and over and over without getting sick of it.
I technically already did Disney movies, but we'll let this have it's own category (thanks to the Pixar part). This is one of the most adorable movies ever. Limited dialogue and a not-so-subtle green emphasis notwithstanding, I squeal more during this movie than any other I can think of. How on earth is a largely non-verbal robot SO DARN CUTE?! He's precious! I just can't get over it.
There are more, of course. Much Ado About Nothing. Inglourious Basterds. Extreme Days. Remember the Titans. We Were Soldiers - well, pretty much any war movie, ever. Lots more. For now, though, I think this is a pretty good list.
Yet more reasons we should be best friends.