by the light of the moon

I live very far from most of my friends. Average about 30 miles. Since they all live much closer to each other, I find myself driving long stretches of freeway quite frequently. Sometimes, this drives me nuts. Gas prices are outrageous, and if the music just isn't shuffling right, it can be a boring drive.

This week had a full moon, which made the drives so much more enjoyable. On Tuesday, on my drive to Bex's for the Truth Project, the sun was setting in the west, lighting the sky on fire. Out one window, I had a fluorescent orange glow shining from behind the mountains. Out the other, the moon was luminescent in a lavender sky fading to dusk. It was a gorgeous balance, the time of change.

Wednesday, I was driving to Shantel's for swimming and movies and the moon was full, still hanging low on the horizon, pale yellow in a deep midnight teal sky. At one point it silhouetted the mountains I was passing, setting their rugged outline stark against the sky. I do so love mountains.

Thursday, on my way to Tempe Marketplace for Green Lantern, there was a perfect moment as I was passing downtown. The lights were on the 'skyscrapers,' but the glow from the city was less of a pollutant than normal, and with the huge, round moon hanging low, it was so urbanly picturesque that I could not stop staring! Further on in the drive, I passed Tempe Town Lake, and the lights on the bridge were shining as the moon sent her reflection rippling across the lake, and it stole my breath away.

Tonight, after a wonderful day of cooking lunch for friends and hanging out, we went back out to Shantel's again to ride her lovely horses (I am already soooo sore). A couple times throughout the night we simply lay back on the horses - who were quite content to stand around - and looked up at the stars. A dark arena outside the heart of Phoenix affords a much better view of the stars than does, say, my house. The moon was much higher in the sky, bright and shining and no longer quite as round. We enjoyed the silence, the companionship, and the glory of God's beautiful creation.

I am thankful for the time I am granted where I have little more to do than admire the reflections of my Creator. Thank You, God, for the moon.


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