A Week in the Life

Well hello lovely reader! It has been indeed quite some time since my last post, which clearly means I have been off enjoying real life. The problem with extensive time in the real world is that when I come back to the computer, there's a lot to catch up on, and it's hard to do it all justice. So here is my attempt to sum up the last week in it's awesome entirety.

WARNING: very long post. Proceed at your own risk.

Last Wednesday, after a morning of grocery shopping and cleaning, I went to the airport to pick up John. I parked my car and entered the forgotten realm that is Terminal 2 at Sky Harbor. Along with perhaps five other people, I sat anxiously outside the security line, pacing and waiting for John to disembark. I knew he had landed, and I kept waiting to catch sight of combat boots walking down the terminal amide the throngs smattering of other passengers. No such luck. Eventually, I get a call from him asking where I am. Now, Terminal 2 is the dinkiest terminal ever, and there's only one place to come out. When he said he was at baggage claim by the elevators, I knew something was wrong, as I'm pretty sure there are no elevators in this terminal. Sigh. For some reason unknown, his United flight went to Terminal 4. So, I paid for my parking and drove over to pick him up curbside. I was kinda sad, as I'd been looking forward to a cinema-worthy first hug, with him all dashing in uniform and I in my cute red heels, but alas. The hug was just as good, I just didn't get an audience. :)

We drove home, taking the 'scenic' route through downtown so I could show off my big city to the country boy. At home we ate some dinner and played games with my family, then stayed up late watching a really terrible movie, made much more enjoyable by the company.

Thursday morning was spent accumulating items to send to himself downrange, hunting for flat-rate boxes, and lounging around Desert Ridge. I had to work, so I left him there to amuse himself with the theatre and Barnes&Noble. After work, we headed down to Tempe to catch the midnight premier of the new X-Men movie with friends. We enjoyed some group time at Mojo Yogurt, playing games on the floor in line, and much laughing in the theatre as we waited for the movie to start. There is a much better post about this by the lovely Rebekah, which I recommend you read. After the movie, we decided the night was still young and decided to hit up IHOP.

We are a raucously obnoxious group to have in a restaurant at 3 am, I am sure. Between the atrocious Russian accents and the her-hees, we are loud and hysterical. Our waiter, instead of being put off by our oddities, joined right in, adapting to each individual accent and addressing us mostly in French. Any more specificity about the night would probably go to waste, as so much is either inside jokes or "you had to be there," but suffice to say my face was sore from so much laughter. John and I left around 4, arriving home in time to see the sky begin to lighten and my mother head out the door to go hike.

After only 3 1/2 hours of sleep, we awoke to get ready for a trip to Slide Rock. To prevent dying in a crash caused by lack of sleep, we stopped at Jamba Juice for some matcha. That pretty much made the trip perfect. It was a gorgeous, cool, sunny day. I was high on my matcha rush, singing aloud to all the country songs on the radio, dancing in my seat, smiling at life and enjoying the company of a really cool friend. I was leaving the city, on the way to one of my favorite places in Arizona, enjoying the beautiful red rocks and the freedom of the road. Days don't get better than that.

Once there, we enjoyed walking through the very cold snow water filling Oak Creek, sliding down Slide Rock itself, and taking pictures in the canyon. We had ourselves a picnic in a shady spot a little bit up the bank from the creek, enjoying sandwiches and slices of cake. After a brief doze, it was back in the cold, cold water, sliding and jumping off the "cliff" and splashing through the creek again, taking lots of pictures.

John drove most of the way back to Phoenix, as I was exhausted, and we went out to some delicious Mexican food, one of my favorite restaurants in Phoenix. We tried to watch some Firefly, but exhaustion took over and we went turned in early.

I had to work again Saturday, so John went back to Desert Ridge to chill. After work, we got to meet up with Debbie at Starbucks, which was one of the highlights of the week for me. It was so wonderful to catch up with her, to hear the news of people in a world I'm so far away from now. I've missed her so terribly! In case you didn't know, I WANT TO GO BACK TO GERMANY. Anyways.

After starbucks, we grabbed another delicious dinner at Oreganos, we headed out to ASU for game night with my fabulous group of friends. Lots of laughter, a very dangerous game with billiards, some ping pong, and time chatting outside on the grass until the sprinkler system chased us off.

Back at home, John did laundry, and we stayed up till about 3 am talking, not ready for his trip to be over and head back to his deployment. :(

Not much to be said here. I took John to the airport for a very sad goodbye at 6am. I hate goodbyes that don't have a fairly good guarantee of seeing the other person again this side of heaven. It's hard. But we did, and he's still safe and sound traveling back around the globe. After teaching my pre-k sunday school class, I pretty much slept for the rest of the day.

was my twin's 22nd birthday! I went over to her house to celebrate with my wonderful other family. I am guilty of having eaten most of the raspberries in the fruit salad, and all the red peppers in the relish tray. After the party (it ended way early!), I kidnapped Larissa and took her to see X-Men and spend the night. We were up late talking, and it was delightful. I love her!!

Got up and got to go for a lovely hike with a lovely friend I haven't seen nearly enough. We used to hike 3 days a week together, and yesterday was definitely the first time in months! After some lazing at home and work, J.D., Austin, and Chantel came over for an X-men marathon. We only had the first two, so J.D. and Chantel and I decided we'd watch Kate & Leopold, since it has some X-men in it. We were up so late laughing and making strange voices and sharing weird stories that we almost decided to stay up and have breakfast together, but the wisdom of sleeping before work won out, and they left as the edges of the sky began to lighten. For the second time in a week, I was not yet asleep as my mother got up to hike at 4:30am.

Having gone to bed at 4:30 this morning, I slept in late, and went to work, and am blogging. Catch-up day! If you are still reading, I'm impressed. I'll try not to cram a whole week into one post with this much detail again. Apologies. And adulation!


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