
I don't like making the big decisions, sometimes. Especially the ones of want vs. should. It's sometimes so hard to look past what will make me super happy right now to what is actually going to work out best for me in the end. Especially in the times when it's not a decision of right vs. wrong, where I can trust to the absolute truth I find in God to make the decision clear, if not easy. It's when neither choice is 'bad,' just one is probably better.

I had to make that decision on my house this week, and I decided to withdraw my offer.

We met with the inspector on Saturday morning to hear what he had to say. There were a couple major problems - like no a/c and no hot water - that were pretty big warning signs. I won't go into all the details here, but overall it just wasn't a very sound decision financially to go through with this particular house. After much prayer and consideration (Philippians 4:6), I contacted my Realtor and cancelled my contract.

It was a tough decision, but I'm at peace with it (Philippians 4:7). Disappointed, yes, but life goes on despite my disappointment. And there are blessings that come with not mortgaging away my life right now - like being better able to focus on school, enjoying more time at home with my family, and saving up more money for a better house (with a working air conditioner).


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