happy dance!

So, the long awaited news has come at last -

the bank has approved the short sale on my the house!


I was driving home from work, when Aunt Faye (my Realtor) called with the good news. We found the house in early April, put in an offer right away, got it accepted, and have been waiting. As far as short sales go, this is actually not a bad wait time! I squealed a lot, and we talked about next steps, but mostly my mind was dizzy with the fact that I'm actually buying a house. It's so much less fuzzy now - but even more surreal, if that makes sense.

I spent the remainder of the car ride scrupulously driving only the speed limit and not one mile over, talking very loudly and excitedly to myself and dancing in my seat, and occasionally emitting a small scream of joy, since I figured those would be unappreciated at home. In between the high pitched bursts, I brainstormed ways of breaking the exciting news, and settled on a pretty good one.

Me: "So guess what exciting day is only a few weeks away?"
Mom & Dad: "Your birthday."
Me: "Well, yes, but I was more thinking July 17th..."
Mom & Dad: "..."
Me: "...the day I hopefully become a home owner -"
Mom: "*squeal!!!!*"
and there was much hugging and more high pitched noises and excitement.

Tomorrow I call the home inspector and send stuff to the bank and do everything that needs to get done now. Hopefully we'll get to go see it again - I saw it once, briefly, no one else in my family has.

I'm super nervous. It was always kind of nebulous, and now it's really happening. Every time I do something big, I get these terrifying back-tracking thoughts, but God has really opened every door to this house so far, so I'm trying to rely on Him and trust. I'm SO EXCITED. Oh my gosh. I'm gonna be an adult, with a mortgage and all. Eeeps!

In other exciting news, I have finally found a friend who speaks fluent German! And I got to sit and talk with Debbie today! And I had a fabulous night last night! And I made new friends! And I might go dancing tomorrow! And I got home at 5 am! And pretty much everything just deserves an exclamation mark! AHH!!!


  1. I can't believe you're gonna have your own house! I'm so excited for you! We're still waiting to hear from the bank on ours, but I totally know what you mean about backtracking thoughts! Waiting totally sucks! I can't wait to see your new home! :)


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