sing-alongs and swing dancing

This summer I have been enjoying a new habit - staying out all night. Monday was a record - I pulled into my driveway at 5:01 am. Wheeee! It was a great night!

Unfortunately, it has rather reversed my sleep schedule. When normal people are wont to go to bed, I am wide awake. I can usually manage to fall asleep about 3 am, but pop wide awake at 6, only to be sleepy again at 1. I take my nap, but then have to get up for work. I drive in groggily, and then I leave to go hang out with friends still sleepy, and am wide awake again as the hours progress. A couple days later I will begin to normalize, just in time to be out all night again.

I love it.

During the school year, I am fairly responsible. I go to class, I go to work, I go to six bazillion concerts, and I go home to do my homework. This summer to me is freedom! (I also love that my spell check recognizes 'bazillion' as an actual word.)

Last night, my new friend Matt (who just happens to be fluent in German, which delights me) hosted a Broadway sing-along at his home. So much fun! The early evening was nice, there were a lot of girls there who enjoyed singing the music. The real fun started later, though, when all the performers came. Groups singing along is good - people belting fantastic solos/duets/trios is better. Oh, it was fabulous!

One of the best parts of the evening, though, didn't actually involve singing. Drew was playing some jazzy, lovely thing as only he is capable of doing, and suddenly Ryan was whisking me into a dance. I love swing dancing, but it has been a few months since my last attempt, and I make no claims to being even a decent dancer. Flip flops didn't help. He's a great lead, though, so I went with it. Dancing with someone who knows what they're doing is such a rush! I was spun and turned and spun again and dipped so low I thought I'd fall, but he's much too good for that. It was marvelous fun, and I now find myself in need of an evening over at Kat's Korner, for sure. Oh my. It still makes me smile!


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