far away friendships

I have many, scattered across the globe.

There are many within the Greater Phoenix Metropolitan Area that are so far away they feel as if they are scattered across the globe. This does, however, lend itself nicely to sleepovers. I should do that more.

This post about my sleepover with Rebekah made me just so happy. It's really the only reason I'm blogging, was so I could show off her post.

I'm currently on skype with a friend in Japan. I just got done skyping with a friend in Oklahoma, on his leave from Afghanistan, where he deployed from Germany. I have friends in a large majority of the 50 states, lots of countries, and most of the continents. Maybe I should meet someone going to Antarctica.

It's hard to maintain friendships over such vast distances. It's hard to be a part of the everyday when you only get to chat once in a while due to 11.5 hour time differences (really!) or military duties or the weeks of waiting for snail mail, and actually speaking to one another is even rarer. That's the reason I have facebook, and a blog, and skype, and a large collection of stationery. It may be a poor substitute for human interaction, but with plane tickets to Germany costing around $1700, sometimes a substitute is all I can get. And I will take it! (although, when I DO finally get there, it will be fantastic!)

It just makes me that much more thankful for the friendships I'm building within driving distance. Many of those friends are in Denver on a trip, and even though they come home tomorrow, I miss them. It was fabulous to get to spend so much time with Rebekah this week. I get to see another friend for a hike tomorrow, and some more on Friday, and one Saturday. My calendar is filled to scariness with friendships, and it makes me so happy.

Can summer just never end, so I can devote all this time to friendships?


  1. Sorry I've been distant. East Mesa is pretty much as remote as New Zealand, I guess.

  2. Laura! We need to have a girls night with Chrissy and Stephanie again :)


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