
While our parents are off gallivanting in Scotland, the four of us decided to have our own fun here at home. We decided to do dinner and a movie, with me cooking. (We have received one e-mail from our parents, and two brief facebook status updates to let us know they are alive. The last line of the 5-line e-mail mom sent? "Feed Freddy." Nice to know what the priorities are...)

So, I decided to make a delicious meal of bacon-wrapped chicken and roasted veggie pasta salad. Since I did say I was occasionally going to turn this into a foody blog, the recipe should be posted tomorrow. I love when people enjoy my cooking - it's so gratifying! Larissa walked in and the first thing out of her mouth was, "It smells so good in here!" Freddy was hesitant at first about eating anything I'd prepared, but even he enjoyed it and was complimentary. Success! He was the only one who'd never eaten my cooking before - because he never came to my apartment ever! Lame, brother. Anyways.

After dinner, we watched Kate & Leopold, which starts out much worse than I remembered, but Hugh Jackman charms me even more than I remembered, so it evens out. Sigh. I don't think people can really be that charming in real life, much to my chagrin. But we thoroughly enjoyed it - even Freddy - and ate copious amounts of ice cream and laffy taffy.

Best laffy taffy joke of the night: what do you call a nun who sleepwalks?
A roamin' Catholic!

It was really nice to get a chance to just sit and enjoy time with my family, though. I'd be lost without them, and I don't get to see them enough. I love you all!


  1. Tonight was one of the best nights I have had in a long time and I needed it! I am so glad we got to do this!!! That joke still makes me laugh every time! I love you so much Twin!


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