Summer break!

It's here! Although the weather would delightfully suggest otherwise, which is quite alright by me.

My favorite part of summer is going to be not having every moment of my day scheduled out in advance to be somewhere. Instead of going from school to observations to work to rehearsal, I have time to go to the store, or to hike, or to hang out, or to shop, or to wash my car - and to cook!

I LOVE to cook. I told my parents when they let me move back in while I wait on the still-no-news-on-the-approval-of-the-short-sale house that I would cook dinner for them whenever they wanted. I think I've 'actually' cooked once in the last semester, and that was pretty early on. Working till 8 at night and then having concerts to attend or perform in or rehearse for pretty much limited the number of times I ate dinner at home - or at all. But today, I got to cook!

I've had a couple people mention that I should do a foody blog, and I really want to, cause most of the things I make are deceptively simple and quite delicious. I say so myself, but I've never had anyone tell me to the contrary, either!

Tonight, I tried red quinoa for the first time, in a chicken/black bean/quinoa salad. I was surprised by how much I love the texture! Mmmm. It needs a little tweaking once I get all the ingredients I want (more limes, some cilantro, and an avocado), and when I make it again I'll be sure to have Elisabeth take pretty pretty pictures and I'll post the recipe. Mmmm mmm!

I stole this picture, but this is about what it looked like :) but with no green, cause I had nothing green. I sort of combined this recipe with another I found. I rarely cook from an actual recipe - I'll look at several, pick all the parts I like best, throw in my own spin, and see what comes out. Tonight - success.


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