musings in the middle of the night

I feel like I should be blogging, solely because it's almost 3 am and I am still wide awake.

I am starting to get drowsy, but I've been rather slap-happy working on my final education project, due at 11:40 am tomorrow. It's a group project, and the chat function on Google Docs has proved of the utmost entertainment value. Also, playing with the little flashing cursors can turn into a hysterical game that wakes up sleeping family members who wonder why on earth you're laughing so loudly to yourself at a word document on the computer screen after midnight.

I'm a little sad it's the end of the semester. Don't get me wrong, I am SO ready for summer break. But it always seems that right as I get closest to people, we get separated. I have finally made some really solid friendships with people who are just a riot to hang out with, and now I don't get to see them on a daily basis. Sure, we've got plans for the summer and it'll be great, but I'm gonna miss the constant interaction. Even this group project is fun since I get to chat with these awesome women till all hours of the night.

We "taught" a "class" today. We had a group of people lined up to act like our high school general music class, but only one showed. After a frantic facebook plea and frenzied texting - and a lot of walking up to random strangers in the hallway - we scraped together a few people to be our students and taught our lessons. It was actually a lot of fun! It was all about music and emotion, and we even got people dancing, which was entertaining. Jessica and I were SO thankful that people took time out of their busy finals week to help us out!

After a very long night of lesson planning, paper writing, re-reading, proof-reading, analyzing, comparing, and fighting with @#$*%&!$ to upload our videos, I think I might be done...ish. There are parts that still need to come together, but I'm not responsible for most of them.


Sorry, Jessica distracted me. Where was I? Oh yeah, project mostly finished. At 11:40 tomorrow, my first semester back at ASU, which is like my 4th semester as a junior or something, will be finished! Woooooo! Summer!

At this point, I'm only up cause I'm hoping to skype with Joel in Japan. We'll see if that actually happens.


  1. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help! I passed out (not quite literally) in the middle of the day and by the time I woke it was too late... :c


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