
I am not my mistakes.

I am more than the hateful things you say about me.

I am not your lies.

I am not my guilt.

I am more than my baggage.

I am more than my pain.

I am not controlled by my shame.

I am not the girl you thought you knew.

You look at me and see the past, the grime, the sin. You see my shame. You exploit my fear. You degrade me. You hold my guilt in my face and make me stare until I can't see through the tears.

Christ looks on me with love. He does not see my sin - He has forgiven me. He has become my sin, that I might become His righteousness. He sees me as His pure, spotless bride. He loves me. He loves me. He loves me. He chose me. He wants me.

It is His eyes that matter, not yours.

I am God's.

I am loved.

I am paid for.

I am free.

I am pure and holy.

I am forgiven.


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