Ze Ende
The best thing that happened to me this week stemmed from the worst thing that happened this week. It's been a pretty rotten week. (It has had its high points - put an offer on a house at last!!) But mostly, it's been a week of pain and tears and worry. There's been a little ice cream eating, a lot of hot tea drinking, and a lot of feeling like I have a weight lodged in my middle that constricts my breath and keeps me from ever being really hungry. There's been a lot of prayers, several bouts of piano therapy, and many more hours of prayers. There's been letter writing, and curling up in my car surrounded by music. There's been sleeplessness and exhaustion. There's been an unshakeable feeling of anxiety. But there's been wonder, too. There's been a constant reminder of God's goodness and provision and faithfulness. There's been a strengthening of my dependence upon Him. There've been fresh reminders of His love and forgiveness,...