kiss me goodbye

Now, normally, I don't talk about kisses, because they're special. However, I couldn't really think of another prompt to go with "K." I have some kind of laryngitis and awful cough, and it seems to be muting my creative brain. I've been talking all day through a text-to-speech app, which is entertaining, but it's left my thoughts a little stilted.

My last kiss was...a while ago. We stood in a parking lot, not quite ready to say goodbye. We'd always known we had only a short time together, but somehow we'd suddenly reached the end and it still managed to catch us by surprise. We sat there on the curb, talking quietly, leaning on one anothers' shoulders. Neither wanted to end it first, so we just stayed there as the afternoon wore on. Eventually we got up, and I opened the car door, ready to go. But I couldn't get in. He wrapped his arms around me, and I may have gotten some tears on his tie, as we just stood there longer, not wanting to let go.

Goodbyes are hard. With many, there is a reasonable chance you will see the person again sometime, no matter how long there is in between. But you never really know where life will take you, and the uncertainty is what's painful.

We didn't talk much, just stood there looking at one another, building up memories to last, knowing that some memories fade all too quickly. The kiss was sweet, and sad, and filled with an ache, a longing for things to be other than what they were. He leaned down to whisper in my ear before he closed the door, and as I drove off I had to look back. I saw him standing in the middle of the empty parking lot, watching me drive away, both wondering if we'd ever actually see each other again.


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