Job? Job....job?

Job is one of those words that starts to look really silly if you type it too many times. Job. Job job job. It's so short and silly. It should be some kind of exotic fruit - a jobjob berry or something. Maybe I'm thinking of jujubes. Maybe I should go to sleep.

Anyhoo, if I could have any job in the world...

Well, I'm going to school for music education, I'm already teaching piano and voice, and this week I got to conduct in my first concert. It's very much affirmed my career choices - I love this! People often ask what direction I'm going to take with my degree, and I honestly don't know. Elementary general music is fun; high school choir is fun; private lessons are fun. Middle school choir is a no-go.

I think if I could design my life, I would be a stay-at-home mom. I would have a [sound-proofed] music room at my house out of which I could teach private lessons and still keep an eye on my chillins. Maybe once the kids were a bit older I could end up as the director of a community chorus of some sort or something fun like that. But I would love to be able to stay at home and not have a "real" full-time job.

Since I am currently quite single, with no immediate hope for that to change, this remains a bit of a pipe dream. So in lieu of all that, I'd say I would pick my alternative dream job as being...the next Rick Steves. PLEASE, someone pay me to travel the world and be on tv for it!


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