Dazzling Dates

I desire, as do most decorous damsels, dates with dapper gentlemen. As of late, I find a distinct dearth, though I dare to dream.

If I could design a dreamy date, it would involve jet-skis on a lake. Perhaps not the most romantic, but SO MUCH FUN. We would race around the water, taunting the denizens of the deep, laughing as the wind whipped away the sound and the thrum of the engines echoed off the canyon walls. There might be a picnic included, and kite flying, and reading companionably on the shore. As evening drew in, we'd light a campfire and roast ourselves some dinner, watching the flames flicker and listening to the sizzle of the meat, inhaling the rich aromas of pine wood smoke and grilling deliciousness. We'd lay back on the grass, curled in a blanket against the chill of dusk, and watch as the stars came out, far from the city as we were. The desert sky would be crystal clear as we watched for satellites and shooting stars, talking about everything and nothing, enjoying one another's company. The drive home could either be subdued by the beauty of God's world and the tiredness that accompanies playing all day in the sun or water, or we could dance in the car to whatever tunes were playing, singing unashamedly.

A girl can dream. :)


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