Habits are hard to heal (+ bonus post!)

People always talk about breaking habits, but I find it difficult to go on unless something else replaces the old habit. If you don't, you have a 'gap' where that habit used to be. So for the sake of alliteration, and because it then made me think, I like the idea of healing a habit - not only getting rid of a bad one, but replacing it with a positive one. But I digress.

I have a habit of pouting when I don't get my way. I throw myself a little pity-party and sulk in the corner for a bit, indulging my whiny self as I moan that I've been abandoned or betrayed or made to look silly. I sometimes take it out in passive-aggressive texts or moody silences, harumphs, and sometimes actual pouty lips.

I'm also the proverbial boy who cried wolf, because I do many of those things in a joking manner quite often. Most of the time, if I'm pouty, it's playful. It's fun and silly. But then there are the times when I feel like I can't control the reaction, and then I start pouting and it's hard to stop. It happened tonight, and I got bitter and frustrated and grumpy, over a fairly small incident, but I was feeling left out and de-valued and such, and so I pouted. (I'm mostly over it.) I just wish I could replace that habit with realizing it's not all about me and moving cheerfully on with my life. I'm working on it.


Because of the blog challenge with pre-determined prompts, I haven't been talking much about actual life, but I have a need to talk about my evening.

Tonight was the very first time I was able to conduct a choir on stage for a concert. IT WAS SUCH A RUSH. SO much fun, oh my goodness. It has once again confirmed that yes, this is actually what I want to do with my life. I conducted the beginning mixed choir and the beginning women's choir on one song each, and I also got to accompany the women's choir (and I didn't screw up, which was exciting.) They did so well, remembering what we'd worked on and actually watching me and following and it was fantastic.

I think that I don't really do much - I'm not making any of the sound, I'm there keeping things together and trying to show the music. It's not about me. But by golly, I was sure enjoying myself. The choirs sounded great. It's a bit of a power trip to have people make sound just because I move my hand. I played with it a bit, and they responded, and it was COOL. Bring it on, student teaching!


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