theory poems

Bill Watterson is taking over my mind. I've been spending a bit too much time lately reading Calvin & Hobbes , what with finals approaching and all. Besides being a fine cartoonist, Watterson is an excellent poet. I mean, rhyming tentacles and ventricles? Genius. If you'd like to read a little more, check out these two - and I'm sure you can Google and find more. Anyways, " A Nauseous Nocturne " has been stuck in my head for quite some time, odd as that may seem, and so I find myself beginning to compose my thoughts in alliterated rhyming meter. This goes on all throughout the day. Entertaining for me, probably puzzling for those who see me chuckling to myself. While this may not contribute directly to passing my finals, it certainly helps me to endure classes in a much better frame of mind. In theory yesterday, for example. Having quickly grasped the idea of pattern-pulse compositions, and it being far too perfect of a day to be spent caged in class...