
Showing posts from April, 2011

theory poems

Bill Watterson is taking over my mind. I've been spending a bit too much time lately reading Calvin & Hobbes , what with finals approaching and all. Besides being a fine cartoonist, Watterson is an excellent poet. I mean, rhyming tentacles and ventricles? Genius. If you'd like to read a little more, check out these two - and I'm sure you can Google and find more. Anyways, " A Nauseous Nocturne " has been stuck in my head for quite some time, odd as that may seem, and so I find myself beginning to compose my thoughts in alliterated rhyming meter. This goes on all throughout the day. Entertaining for me, probably puzzling for those who see me chuckling to myself. While this may not contribute directly to passing my finals, it certainly helps me to endure classes in a much better frame of mind. In theory yesterday, for example. Having quickly grasped the idea of pattern-pulse compositions, and it being far too perfect of a day to be spent caged in class...

Her Hee! [updated]

update is just that the ending is slightly altered with the addition of another picture. Continue reading as you were. :) I love laughter, and boys, and friends - and especially all three at the same time. I went out to The Sugar Bowl after a dress rehearsal for our last ASU choir concert this semester (which you should totally come to - tomorrow night!!). At first, it was a whole lot of boys (Marc, Michael, Drew, J.D., Austin, Tom, Zach, and Galen) and me. Wheeee! A whole crowd of handsome, singing men all to myself, mwa ha ha. Then Kendra came and I was rescued from drowning in testosterone. Then Kira came, and life got even more fun! Fabulous fun. Wonderful people. My face hurts still - an hour+ later - from so much laughter. Several people had never heard me her hee before, so that became a target. There were many jokes, some synopsisizing, food stealing (and subsequent plate licking), and - No, I have to share that, because it's too funny not to, though at the e...

It's All in the Timing [Part 2]

It's amazing the variety of [obnoxious] noises my kitten can make. Good grief, Charlie Brown. But he's so gosh darn cute (even if he is a little bigger than in this picture now). So, I wrote my blog post yesterday while still in a bit of a post-food poisoning delirium. I had this great idea for the post on Monday, fell violently ill, slept through till Tuesday, and then decided to write. Unfortunately, the inability to hold food down and the extended bouts of delirious sleep kept me from fully expressing what I had planned - and of course, I can't remember half of it now. It was going to be much more fleshed out than that. Instead, I ended up using a lot of Bible verses and not a lot of my own content. Not that I'm complaining - God says things much better than I ever can. I was listening to one of my favorite soundtracks today ( Godspell , if you're curious) and was struck by a line that reminded me of some of what else I was going to say. It's actually ...

It's All in the Timing

I feel like this ^ is the most common image to greet me every time I log onto Facebook. Everyone is having babies! EVERYone is having babies. I feel very left out by not being pregnant, not getting married, and not even having a boyfriend. Usually I can leave it at that and move on, knowing I'm only 22 and therefore have plenty of time, and I'm in no rush. I really do like the freedom in being single! Occasionally, though, it hits hard and I start my own little spiral of self-pity. I've been having this reoccurring dream for about the last month, in which I'm pregnant with a little baby girl named Hannah. They're startlingly realistic, and there have been times I've awoken fully convinced I am having a baby. Throughout the day I will find myself thinking of her, planning for her, and imagining her running up to me, or being scooped up onto her daddy's shoulders, or snuggling in my lap. It's quite surreal. I really want a baby. It's been this...

An Enchantingly Eventful Easter

I'm into alliteration recently. Besides my own current penchant, however, if you continue reading there will be a little more explanation as to the abundance of E's in the title of this post. This whole weekend has been wonderful fun, which has kept me from blogging. As much as I would like to stick to the idea of blogging every day, real life is much more important than the internet facsimile, so I chose live interaction (and sleep). I had so much fun, though, that now the blog is going to run a little long just so I can share all my enjoyment with you! Luck you. Friday night I went and saw Judy: The Musical for two reasons. 1) my friend Rebecca was in the cast. 2) It was starring Paige O'Hara, the voice of Belle in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Belle is far and away my favorite Disney princess, so I couldn't pass it up. (3 reasons - it counts for concert attendance credit!) It appears that time changes things, so we listened to the Beauty and the Beast s...


I think I'm neurotic. Only mildly, mind you. But every now and then I catch myself thinking particularly OCD thoughts and I have to take a step back and examine myself. For example: tomorrow I'm going to see a play, Judy: the Musical . I'm driving three of my friends there, and as I was going about my day (by which I mean sitting around at work staring at the wall), I realized that means these friends will be in my car. My thought process went a little like this. Hey, there are gonna be people in my car tomorrow! It's a mess! I need to clean out the seats...heck, I should clean the car. Is there a car wash I can get to before my next lesson? No. Well, I could still vacuum it when I get home. Or I can sit here and hand pick up every speck of everything that doesn't belong. I need to take out the trash. I really should dust it. No, overkill. No one cares, right? But they're gonna be in my car! This is an impression of me! I should clean ...

Day 30: A Picture of Myself on This Day and Five Good Things That Have Happened Since I Started the Challenge

The last day has come! I cheesily stood around smiling in my backyard this morning just to get a picture for this post. Then tonight my indecisiveness kicked in and I didn't know which to pick! I think that's been the most prevalent theme in all these posts. For simplicity's sake, I went with the first one I took. (the more I took, the stranger the faces I began making) Thar Ah is, on ma parch. For those of you who don't speak goofball, how have you put up with me this long? Five Good Things That Have Happened Since I Started the Challenge 1. I put in an offer on a house, and the Seller accepted it! Though I may wait a small eternity to hear back from the bank about the short sale, this is such a good thing! 2. I have managed to become much better friends with Rebekah, and it so nice to have a "soul-friend." Our friendship is so refreshing. When we talk, I hear the words of my own heart echoed back to me much clearer than I could ever articulate them...

Day 29: Three Wishes

What! I only have one day left of this? Dang, a month can creep and fly by at the same time. Time is strangely shifty. This post comes with unique good timing, as wishes have been oft on my mind as of late. Rebekah even recently dedicated a post to one of our wishing escapades. I even had two 11:11 wishes come true this week! One was that Judy would count for concert attendance and I'd get Monday night off - success!! The second was that I'd find someone cool to go to lunch with on Monday - also success! Sharing wishes that have come true is celebratory and just dandy, but I'm a little more hesitant about sharing wishes that I'm making...doesn't that negate the wish? Since the blog seems to require I share them, though, I'll keep them slightly frivolous and not the deep desires of my heart. Those are usually saved for prayers and not wishes anyways, as the first are always heard and the others I toss up to the stars. Speaking of, stars are my favorite...

Day 28: Something That Stresses Me Out

A lot of things could answer this post. (ha! what's new?) School stresses me out. Boys stress me out. Not being able to cross things off to-do lists because of factors outside my control stresses me out. Dishes in the sink after dinner (or lunch on a day off) stress me out. They have to be done before I can relax. (caveat: this doesn't always seem to apply at my parents' home, a fact that bugs my mother no end, I'm sure) Being lost while driving, especially in the dark, REALLY stresses me out. I get snappy and hot tempered and teary and I feel very bad for whoever is in the passenger seat trying to reassure me that the world is not ending. Class piano threatening to postpone my graduation AND keep me from taking the one class I want to take is stressing me out, which is itself a derivative of another major stressor - playing the piano in front of people. Seems like an odd fear for a piano teacher, or? For some reason, whenever I am asked to play in front of anyone, I...

Day 27: An Original Photo of the City I Live In

Two things before I get to the picture. 1) OVERJOYED NERD MOMENT! Filming for the Hobbit has begun!!!!!! My first two thoughts when watching this were "12 years ago?!?!?" and "Wow, Peter Jackson is almost unrecognizable." BUT I'M SO EXCITED!! 2) I feel like I have an entourage. Every time I come home, Fiyero and Dallas ( my two of the four felines that live in my house) are waiting outside my car door by the time I'm ready to open it, and they walk with me inside. If I open the door again about 30 seconds later, Eli will be there - he's always a little bit slow. Alright, original picture of my city. As usual, I had several different choices to cycle through. Should I do a cool aerial view from one of my flights? Or a panoramic view from the top of North Mountain, or a deserty view with the city in the distance from the Sonoran Reserve? As I was clicking through them all, I liked most of them, and then I found this one and went "ooooooooh!...

Day 26: My Dream Wedding

This post may be brief since I need to go to bed! Today has been filled with fun: Abby's 4th birthday, holding Micah, hott date with Ashley, and a Broadway Singalong party with friends and cool new people. I think that's my theme for this year - making new friends. I LOVE IT . Anyways, my dream wedding...oh, how much I have thought about this! However, rather than boring you with color schemes (I can think of about six) or venues and favor ideas and who knows what all else, I'll just sum up the things that are really important to me. The groom is the most important, currently unknown as he may be. I have all kinds of hopes for him, but mostly that he is a strong man who will lead me closer to God through our life together and who will protect me and love me as best he can. There will be a wonderful photographer so that I have tons of great pictures to remember every single detail by. Currently hoping that will be Daniel Kim , as I don't think I've seen a picture...

Day 25: The First 10 Songs That Come Up With My iPod on Shuffle

At last, an easy blog, which requires very little actual input from me. On a side note, this weekend is gonna be SO busy, but fun! Going to see Taryn and Sam tonight, first time I've been over there since they got married way back when. Excited to see the new puppy! Anyhoo, the iTunes shuffle... 1. "The Dangling Conversation" by Simon & Garfunkel 2. "Remember" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra The Lost Christmas Eve 3. "Sing Me to Heaven" by Phoenix Children's Chorus Encore Choir 4. "Your Daddy's Son" by Audra McDonald from Ragtime 5. "Ash and Smoke" by Howard Shore from Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 6. "Symphony No. 9 (scherzo)" by Ludwig van Beethoven 7. "Save the Last Dance for Me" by Michael Buble 8. "Unicornis Captivature" by Ola Gjeilo , performed by Oslo Filharmoniske Kor 9. "Gagliarda" by Mannheim Steamroller 10. "Nemo" by Nightwish I feel thi...

Day 24: Something I've Learned

This is another post that originally had me stumped. What's up with the very broad questions? I've learned today that, according to Bones, the chupacabra supposedly has three fangs, two on top and one on the bottom middle. I've learned about Messiaen's use of pointillism and modes of limited transposition to musically recreate birdsong. I've learned a little about remixing audio tracks in Pro Tools. I learned that the house I'm hoping to buy last sold for $233,900 in 2006. But those are boring! Well, not entirely. But they don't seem blog worthy. Well, obviously they are, since they are in my blog. But they cannot be the focus of it! I was stumped - and then I read the letter my sister sent me. I learned that my sister is possibly my favorite human on earth. I may have known that before, but I "learned" it just to share it with you, dear reader. She makes me smile SO much, from talking about shifts in handwriting slants (which I always thi...

Day 23: My Favorite Books

Most challenging post to date? I think so. How am I supposed to complete this without a) totally overwhelming you all with my bibliophilia or b) completely selling all the other fabulous books out there too short? I think I will arbitrarily limit myself to 10 slots, and allow authors to count as "books." If you ever need something to read, come ask me. I can't lend you mine, as they are all currently in storage. Major boo! But I can give you a great many recommendations and talk about them endlessly! And I'm sorry that I didn't just list 10 books, I can't limit myself that way. If you've been reading this far, you know how indecisive I am. And the size of my library. I can't pare that much away. If you want titles, ask me. :) Also, the Bible is first. 1. Anne McCaffrey She gets the first slot by simple virtue of - I own more of her books than any other author. They are marvelous! The Dragonriders of Pern was my first love of hers, and then ...

Day 22: The Contents of My Purse

Mmm...graham crackers with frosting are so delicious!! I would love to not carry a purse - to be unencumbered by a bag constantly hanging from my shoulder, prone to falling off and being forgotten. However, I live life on the go and always need to have everything with me, so a purse is rather a necessity. Let us then examine what is apparently necessary to be with me at all times (or at least today)... 1. Mini-wallet/card case, holding all my ids, money, gift cards, bank cards, and other flat, important things. 2. Regular wallet, holding other money, change, concert attendance cards and odds and ends that don't fit in the mini case. Considering how rarely I open this, I sometimes question why I have it. 3. Pencil holder, replete with pens, pencils, highlighters, extra lead, a mini stapler, earplugs, treble cleff shaped paper clips, and erasers. 4. flash drive 5. two sticks of chapstick - one regular, one cherry. and one tube of mint lipgloss. 6. keys. Lots and lots of ke...

Day 21: All-Time Favorite Picture of Myself and Why

This one was difficult! Do you know how many pictures of myself I have? Waaaaay more than any normal person, we'll leave it at that. I love to take pictures, and I love to have my picture taken, and I occasionally do some modeling for photographers. All that combined means I have a ton of too many pictures of myself, and I like a lot of them! I was thinking through ones I loved and started noticing a trend. "Aww, this one is with my Bekah and Rachel! They were so cute. This should be it cause they're such a huge part of my heart. Or maybe the one with them and the Thompson kids and the Lindly kids and Seth with the beanie babies on my head..." "Oooh, what about this one, with Jonathan and Sean? It was so great to see them the night they got back! Or the one of me and Nellie when she surprised me?" "This one of me and the guys from this weekend is pretty cool, all smiling and laughing with our Butterbeer. Or one from our day trip to Old Town Gil...

Day 20: My Nicknames

First off, I have to say I was delighted to hear from someone in person that they are enjoying my blog. It makes writing them feel so much worthwhile to know that I'm not just writing to myself! Thanks, Pastor John . My nicknames are many and varied, but few of them actually get used often, much to my chagrin. In other words, feel free to use these! Her Hee well, if you know me and my laugh, this one is fairly self-explanatory. Probably my most commonly used nickname. Laura Kate my daddy calls me this, and Taryn does occasionally. I'd love it if everyone called me Laura Kate. (hint hint) Cricket I have a friend who addresses me solely as Cricket, based on my laugh. I love it! Lala this mostly comes from my days teaching preschool at Bethany, and a few friends still use it. It's fun. :) Buttercup this comes from my (first) time at the Festaburg. Army culture is filled with nicknames, and so when it came time to pick one for me, Princess Bride was the place to go. ...

Day 19: Something I Miss

I miss the Festaburg so very, very much. Part of making new friends means I get to tell my story a lot, and so I've gotten to dig through a lot of old memories recently. As much as being an Aupair is what got me to Germany, the heart of the story is the Festaburg. Brad and Debbie took me in and loved me. I miss playing chess with Brad, even though I only managed to win like four times (and that may be padding it a bit). I miss watching him slaughter everyone in ping pong in the basement. I miss his laughter and his wisdom and his unique way of looking at the world. I miss his guidance. I miss the way he makes us all think about questions we often overlook. I miss his readings, and I miss sitting down to eat grilled cheese sandwiches with chips and salsa for lunch. I miss Debbie's hugs. I miss her delightful balance of keeping everything in order and still finding an afternoon to just play nertz or watch a movie with some popcorn. (not to mention her tolerance of my po...

Day 18: My Favorite Place to Eat

Tuchetti's. Only it doesn't exist anymore. It was the most delicious Italian restaurant in the history of ever. Unlimited amounts of the best garlic bread you've ever tasted, and a salad bar that converted me from my days as a salad-hater. Oh, Tuchetti's, how I miss thee. Since my favorite place is gone, I'd have to say Oregano's - for the Vino Bambino, Jr. salad and the pizookie. Other than that, pretty much any Mexican food place, including the original Garcia's and Macayo's, and Carolina's. Apparently I like restaurants with possessive titles. how can you resist pizookie?!

Day 17: Something I'm Looking Forward To

I look forward to a lot of things! I look forward to not being so tired that I start crying at random moments [like today]. I look forward to days when I don't have to wake up to an alarm clock. They are rare jewels in the treasure box of my life. I look forward to buying a house and having my own place! (Keep praying for that tomorrow!) I really look forward to being done with B's Feast, and 20th century theory. But there are two things that come up in my hopes more often than others. One you can probably guess - I really look forward to falling in love, for keeps. The real thing, the one I can lean on and support in return forever. The one whose arms will always be there for me to fall into on days like today. The other is adventure. I LOVE adventures. I've had a life pretty full of them, what with moving to a foreign country at 18. I mentioned my love of playing, and I mentioned my sense of hope as I leave each day. One of those hopes is that, though when I lef...

Day 16: My Dream House

I'm going house hunting again on Friday! Or, I will be if I can find a house that stays on the market that long...this is hard. Wish me luck!! I am not exactly pursuing my dream house, though, so don't let this post mislead you. My dream house...well now. It has a library. A room lined with shelves full of wonderful books. There's a section of leather-bound tomes that have held their secrets for sharing for ages. There's a section of childish delight in bright colors in the corner. Row upon row of magnificent volumes fill the walls, each beckoning me to dive into the world contained in their pages. There's a large window, an overstuffed and terribly comfortable chair (or two), a fireplace, and a cushy rug on the floor. It has a bright, open kitchen with lots of counter space and a large sink, and no cupboards too high. Another big window in here. And stone countertops of some sort. Lots of space for me to cook and to experiment. And to bake! The master b...

Day 15: A Bible Verse

Ohhhh it's so late! We had another massive rehearsal for Belshazzar's Feast , a beast of an atonal choral/symphonic work. And then I got talked in to going out for doughnuts with the boys. I'm working on putting together a group power point for a project due tomorrow and I'm sooooo tired! Verses. I don't know how to pick! So, as usual, here are several. One of my recently rediscovered favorites - because it so often applies - is Proverbs 13:12 "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life." Another that I turn to over and over is Phillipians 4:6-9 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is comme...

Day 14: A Picture of Myself Last Year and How I Have Changed

Because I'm me, I can never just pick one picture. So here are two! This is me all gussied up for the 2010 spring banquet at Southwestern College/Arizona Christian University . I've changed a lot in the last year. Physically, for sure - I'm in much better shape now, and almost 30 lbs lighter than I was! Yay hiking! My hair has changed colors a couple times - though not nearly as frequently as the year previous. Someday it will get back to natural and stay that way...maybe. :) This is me and my lovely friend Amy - right after we finally became friends - almost exactly a year ago. :) This time last year, I was going through a very bad breakup. Still not being sure who all reads this, I'm going to generalize and say you probably know all about it. If you don't...well, it was rough. It messed me up pretty bad for a long time. In some ways, I'm still not fully recovered from it, and from some of the psychological and emotional abuse that came with it. But li...

Day 13: My Goals

This is funny, this will be the second time this week I write about my goals. A friend wrote me a letter - real post! amazing! - and asked the same basic question. What is it I want to get out of life? I wonder if my answer today is the same as it was on Friday? My goals...hmm. I really want to go to Alaska. I also want to travel the world, but I'll settle for Alaska, Germany again, and Egypt. Preferably more though. Mostly Europe. I'd like to graduate college at some point. I want to go to heaven. I want to keep my friends around me for years and years and years. And more than just anything on earth, I want to get married to a wonderful man and have lots of kids. A huge percentage of my friends are married and most of those are on their way to being parents already. I admit, I'm rather jealous. I feel behind. I was handling it all very well for a while, then a couple weeks ago it started to hurt again. I'm doing better, but it's a goal I'd at least lik...

Day 12: Something I Don't Leave the House Without

Breathing seems overrated...until you can't. You never think about how (sniff) wonderful it is to never think about breathing until it's all (snifff) you can focus on because it's so difficult. I love my (sniff) friends and my students, and I (sniff) love when they share things with me - cupcakes, hugs, stuff like that - but I do NOT like when they share their (snifffffff) germs ! Blech. Anyhoo, most of the things I don't leave without will be mentioned in a later post - something about the contents of my purse. So it would probably be safe to answer "my purse," but that's sooo generic. And not always true! Usually, but not always. I don't leave my house without hope. I'm an optimist by nature - I love to find silver linings and infect others with my (sometimes obnoxious) bubbly joy. Thus, even on days when I feel down and miserable, or lonely, or grumpy, and especially on days when I'm already in high spirits, I leave my house with hop...

Day 11: My Favorite TV Shows

I should be doing homework...but posting the blog before midnight sounds good. I get to sleep in tomorrow again, I'll get the hw done...hopefully... Hope everyone's having an April Fools not filled with too many minor heart attacks! To preface this particular post, I don't really watch much tv. I've lived without any channels for several years, and now that I'm back home and we canceled the cable, the only thing I ever actually watch on tv is Castle. For the rest, I use hulu or dvd, and even that's not often. Life is too busy - and too full of good books - to waste it in front of a television (or laptop). That being said, I really do like these shows a lot! In no particular order, my favorites are... Pushing Daisies This is a charming, quirky, delightful show - a forensic fairy tale, if you will. I am totally in love with the Pie Maker. Also, any show that allows Kristen Chenoweth to burst into song is fine by me. I sure wish they hadn't canceled afte...