Day 13: My Goals

This is funny, this will be the second time this week I write about my goals. A friend wrote me a letter - real post! amazing! - and asked the same basic question. What is it I want to get out of life?

I wonder if my answer today is the same as it was on Friday?

My goals...hmm.

I really want to go to Alaska.

I also want to travel the world, but I'll settle for Alaska, Germany again, and Egypt. Preferably more though. Mostly Europe.

I'd like to graduate college at some point.

I want to go to heaven.

I want to keep my friends around me for years and years and years.

And more than just anything on earth, I want to get married to a wonderful man and have lots of kids. A huge percentage of my friends are married and most of those are on their way to being parents already. I admit, I'm rather jealous. I feel behind. I was handling it all very well for a while, then a couple weeks ago it started to hurt again. I'm doing better, but it's a goal I'd at least like to get started on before too long - as in, finding prince charming. But hey, all in God's timing, right?

What an easy cliche to say, and a much harder one to believe. As the last song I heard today said, though, "Until I see You face to face and grace amazing takes me home, I'll trust in You." All in Your timing, God. I'll still probably whine about wanting it now, but give me strength to trust and wait!

OH! And I want an owl.


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